Cue the Dress Up Montage! 😀 – – – – – Fan Art update! I got two pieces of Fan art over the weekend to share! The first is by Megan Rhodes: And the second is by Y0k4i! Thank you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Todd
Apparently, in the Selkieverse, little girls with proper motivation become imbued with superhuman speed. Oh wait, that happens in the real world too. XD – – – – – I received more Fan Art! Courtesy of Cee: Goldfish Crackers for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One of my secondary objectives for this chapter is to explore the fictitious city of Calumet City, WI a little bit more beyond the orphanage and Todd’s apartment. We’ve seen one of the local dining establishments, and now we get[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’ll never forget when I found out “cheese sauce” is only like 20% cheese. Darn you partially hydrogenated corn oil!
I kinda like Todd’s little “transformation sequences”, to be honest. 😀 I wanna take this opportunity to clear something up from the previous update. As a carnivore, Selkie’s “allergy” to grains vegetables and fruits is really just indigestion since she[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Aaaaaaand there we go. Selkie’s “food allergies” are actually carnivorism. I have to admit, I find it funny how Todd is just now reasoning this out when most of the readers assumed she was carnivorous, or at least meat-preferring, right[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Todd’s not really connecting the dots yet. Wait for it… Also, try saying “plants make me puke purple” seven times fast. – – – – – I posted a bonus sketch this past Saturday. It went up a bit late[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wowee. Due to my not uploading the comic before leaving for class/work/dinner with friends, the comic almost had it’s first late update! Dodged a bullet there! For those who have asked about Selkie still wearing her shoes in the last[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hello, and welcome to Chapter 2! 😀 Todd’s apartment (and Selkie’s, now) has been spruced up a bit since we last saw it. I have been working on doing more backgrounds with Chapter 2, seeing as most of Chapter 1[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 1 is complete! Yay! ^______^ I’ve revised the speech bubble placement in the 5th and 6th panels, based on reader feedback. Hope it reads easier now. Now I understand that in the webcomic world, it is customary for the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…