Closing out the dream sequence, back to thw waking world next week. Also got… a fan art update! Grace drew me a Red Riding Selkie: Thank you, Grace!
Posts Tagged Selkie
I picked up Saints Row 4 on the Steam holiday sale and love the craziness. I also love the character creator… President Selkie in 2016 ya’ll. This strip finishes the Big Ol’ Infodump story line. We’ll see the De’Madieas again[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happy 2014 Selkie readers! (Actually I am posting this a few hours early, so it may be 2013 still as you read this. Early strip to celebrate. XD) It’s been another great year, and I am looking forward to many[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Since, like… ALWAYS, Selkie. (For this installment of Poor Time Management Theater, I may focus on trying to make Wednesdays strip on-time then go back to this one later.)
Hope everyone had a good holiday. I loves me some Christmas but I think I love National Clearanced Candy Day almost as much. :3 Also, because I’ve been trying to do more with the line work and because arts and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was almost going to do a Christmas Filler instead of the next strip in line, partially because I feel really “tempting fate”-y about doing this particular subject on Christmas Day, but I instead chose to keep with my tradition[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…