Just another reminder to those interested/nearby the Reno Nevada area that I will be in the artist alley of SNAFU-Con at the end of October. I’ve put a little sticky note in the sidebar for reference. Oh, and the landslide[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Todd
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So while putting together this next arc I realized I'd overlooked a timeline blunder: Selkie unleashes the Cell Phone Gambit on a Monday, then on the following day (a Tuesday) has the final confrontation followed with a dream sequence. Originally I wanted the strategy meeting to take place on the Tuesday of that week because the PTA meeting is on Wednesday evening. HOWEVER, I wrote a dream sequence as the ending scene of that whole bit, which suggests the finale piece takes place Tuesday night... which I realized too late means that for the strategy meeting to happen on a Tuesday, the comic's narrative has to make some awkward and clumsy timeline skips if the next arc takes place AFTER the first 95% of the previous arc but BEFORE the last 5%. Requires less narrative juggling to have both the strategy coffee AND the PTA meeting happen on the Wednesday of the week this all takes place in. If that gives Todd Selkie and Mina a very very busy Wednesday, well c'est la vie. :3
Original drafts involved Selkie being way too meta fourth-wally about the name thing.
How do you borrow time, anyway?
Just a little legalese In other words, check out this YouTube clip of my brother giving a Three Minute Thesis!
I probably should have done this bit before revealing the sarnothi in full... HINDSIGHT. XD
I love Devil Todd's tail-wags. Too bad I only have him for two strips. XD
I thought about leaving the tails off the angel and devil speech bubbles since it's technically "thoughts", but it was a bit confusing who was saying what.
She nailed it. – – – – – Just a quick fun thing. I’ve been playing a lot of Dawngate lately, and squeezed in a drawing of one of my favorite characters to play last week. Meet Zeri. “Splash of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I hold my stylus the same awkward and uncomfortable way I held a pencil when I was a kid to create Selkie's handwriting. It's... not much of an improvement on my adult handwriting, to be honest.
Unless I've committed a research fail on Islam and Muslim dietary restrictions, coffee is allowed but not endorsed. It's not advised to drink it, but it is not specifically prohibited either.
In my head, "Rumpshaka" has a heavy bass line with an electronic edge to it.
Meanwhile, the science essays are driving everyone batty. – – – – – I think the adult content pop-ups have been cleared up. Several other webcomickers on Facebook had the same problem, apparently stemming from the Ink Outbreak box that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Very very very briefly considered having Mina hold a grudge about Todd's lashing out previously, but (1) it didn't really feel right for her and (B) there's been enough prolonged grudges by this point, I think.