Original script for Panel 3 had Andi gesturing towards Amanda with a "See? This is what I'm talking about" expression, but upon actually drawing it I was afraid it gave the impression of Amanda being "tricked" into a flip-out, which was not a desirable message, so I modified it to a facepalm.
Those German lessons are coming along well. Incidentally, those of you who read my other project The Adventures of Sue and Kathryn may recognize a scene here. :3
When i was a kid, studying foreign languages was mostly done to learn creative insults.
Just a quick heads-up, but I’m going to have to skip the Wednesday update this week. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I’ll be back Friday with the next strip!
Could be worse; Selkie could have done a celebratory screech.
Panel 2's original dialogue was funnier to me, but made no sense in context: "Dads, permissions to unleash Hells?" "Nei Li Selkie Smith, there will be no unleashing Hell."
Todd’s turn – – – – – Fan Art update! I received two drawings from Zippy Kitsune: First is a drawing of Amanda: And this is an original character of hers, a sarnothi warrior: Thank you for sending these, Zippy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Pretty big script change for this strip. Originally had Amanda making fun of Selkie for (presumedly) being in trouble due to a Parent/Teacher Meeting, but after thinking about it while penciling it made more sense to me that with all the info running around her head she'd take the opportunity to ask Todd some of her questions early.
Stone Fox was written in 1980 and used as reading material when I was about the girl's age (I'm 33). I doubt it's still in circulation in modern curricula, but durnit I'm using it.
Bickering like S-Words. – – – – – Got a Fan Art update to share! Courtesy of Theresa, who provided one for Universe A: And based on the April Fools joke from Strip number 91, one for Universe B: These[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…