Amanda’s very lucky the caretakers are busy with paperwork right now, she is in clear violation of the “Indoor Voice” policy.
Posts Tagged Selkie
This is the second strip for Monday’s double update. I had to load it in as a seperate day for archival purposes. If you missed the double-comic on Monday, hit the Previous link to see the strip prior to this.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, the vote from last update came in very heavily in favor of a double comic. So, today’s update contains two strips! For archive-browsing purposes I had to load the second comic as a separate update for tomorrow, but follow[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Make the punishment fit the crime. Mouth off to your mother, you shovel poop. – – – – – There was a whopping large amount of fan art sent to me since the previous strip. I was genuinely surprised. After[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
That is some horrifically bad timing right there. —-_ We have more fan art today, courtesy of Jade Griffin: Thank you Jade. ^^
Good question, Selkie. – – – – – – I have moar Fan Art! This one is courtesy of Rebekah: Thank you Rebekah! ^_^ I also saw from emails and commentary that a lot of new readers have come in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For those curious, she’s seen the movie but never read the book. We have new Fan Art today as well! Danzier sent me an adorable picture of Selkie playing in a park. Thank you, Danzier! ^_^
This strip is based off some of my own childhood experiences with dodgeball. I HATED dodgeball! “Oh, lets give these hyperactive kids a hard rubber ball and have them chuck it at each others heads as hard as they can![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I decided this daydream sequence would be a good opportunity to introduce a format change in how the comic is presented. Everyone, say hello to my good friend: color! Since the daydream sequence is kick-starting the addition of color to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…