Shoes designed for human feet aren’t very comfortable for Selkie’s species. – – – – – Fan Art update time! The Dragon Girl sent this cute picture the other day: Thank you for the adorableness. ^^
Posts Tagged Selkie
For those who may have wondered why Selkie has been barefoot since the first time we met her, get ready for some answers. ^_^ – – – – – I have a Fan Art page update today for everyone! Fanta[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes you just have to hug the sadness away. – – – – – I realized the other day that I never updated the cast page to include Kiesha, Moonsong, Wu, or Sandy, so I figured I should update them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hank and Cindy Worth are a married couple (workplace romance, d’aaawww) who are primary caretakers for the orphanage’s infants and newborns. The promise of helping with the infants PLUS getting to watch an adoption take place seems to have motivated[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
-EDIT- So, the website went down for a huge chunk of the day. Everything is all back up and running, sorry for anyone who had to postpone their bi-weekly Selkie fix.
I also noticed that a few of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Amanda’s very lucky the caretakers are busy with paperwork right now, she is in clear violation of the “Indoor Voice” policy.
This is the second strip for Monday’s double update. I had to load it in as a seperate day for archival purposes. If you missed the double-comic on Monday, hit the Previous link to see the strip prior to this.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, the vote from last update came in very heavily in favor of a double comic. So, today’s update contains two strips! For archive-browsing purposes I had to load the second comic as a separate update for tomorrow, but follow[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Make the punishment fit the crime. Mouth off to your mother, you shovel poop. – – – – – There was a whopping large amount of fan art sent to me since the previous strip. I was genuinely surprised. After[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…