1500th comic. 1500th comic. Holy crap. 1500th comic. ↓ TranscriptTODD: So, she's here? ANDI: Yeah. But I don't think she's up for meeting my ex yet. So… TODD: Right. I AM LEAVING! I, THE EX-BOYFRIEND, AM VACATING THE PREMISES! ANDI[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Gonna be a bit more verbose than usual on the Secret Commentary today because (1) it's a m ilestone strip, why not? and (B) there's a bit of history behind this one that might be fun to discuss. So, the bit you're seeing here, covert dating partner hiding from discovery, was originally a scene I conceived back during the Todd/Mina storyline. The original concept for the Todd/Mina arc was that they start secret-dating, but keep jumping through hoops to avoid discovery. This one specifically was originally written up as follows: Selkie is out with the grandparents, they drop her off back home earlier than expected. Todd puts on the act, greets everyone, "Welcome home!" etc, and after his parents leave he makes some excuse for Selkie to go out of the apartment for a moment. After she leaves, Mina (from her hiding place behind Todd's bed) peeks over his mattress. "Is she gone?" The core reason I never pursued that evolution of the Todd/Mina arc, is that I never reached a point where it felt right that Mina would date a student's parent. Progressing it beyond flirting and maybe coffee just never felt like something that was in Mina's character. Todd would probably not be fully aware of the ramifications of such a relationship, so it made sense for him to pursue it, but Mina is an experienced professional teacher, and I felt like in her heart she knew it was a bad idea. So why revive the idea here? Because making a risky stupid and potentially terrible life choice is something that DOES feel right for Jessie's character. It makes more sense as an action she would take, than one Mina would take. Let the rollercoaster begin.
Oops ↓ TranscriptANDI: Heeeeyyy… Todd. Todd-o. The Toddster… sup? ANDI: Uhhh, where's Amanda? TODD: I put them on an errand. Sounded like… something delicate going on? ANDI: Christ. I am so sorry, I know how this looks. I was working[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I can't beliee as of Friday I'll have drawn 1500 of these. O_o
Grease the wheels, with butter and brown sugar. ↓ TranscriptTODD: Okay, we're here. So, I forget am I NOT asking her, or… AMANDA (vo): ASK ASK ASK!!! SFX: knock knock UNKNOWN VOICE: ACK! ANDI (VO): Oh crap, that must be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Let the perpetual rumination begin ↓ TranscriptAmanda: Man, I really wanna do that water park beach whatever thing. AMANDA: You're gonna ask Mom tonight, right? You won't forget, right?!?!? TODD: Amanda, YES, okay? I'll ask tonight. TODD: Why do you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Knife Monopoly is invented by this person. ↓ TranscriptTODD: Thanks for dinner, guys. MARI: Oh, you know it's our pleasure, dear. MARI: Now, I want you to be sure to bring everone by this weekend for a game night[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Haggling in Knife Monopoly will cost you an arm and a leg.
Noon-ish… still technically Monday. >_> ↓ TranscriptMARI (VO): So, while we're on the subject of the wedding, I'm just curious Marta, why you're having it so far from home. MARTA (VO): Well, Mom, Steve's family is in Michigan, it's going[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
As kids, my aunt once stabbed my mom in the hand with her fork for stealing food. It's serious business.
↓ TranscriptTODD: Well, Selkie has my okay, but I need to confirm with Amanda’s mother. AMANDA: WHAT?! I can’t go?! TODD: I didn’t say that. But your mother has a right to be talked to first. AMANDA: Oooorrrrrrrr, we could[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Brainslip ↓ TranscriptSELKIE: Sos… people say mean things to you… buts it's funny? TODD: Selkie, do you remember the times we've talked about not letting insults get to you? It's like that. SELKIE: Likes when people call me names. AMANDA:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…