Posts Tagged Selkie
A master work of subtlety ↓ TranscriptSELKIE: Okay sos, what’s the plan? Cookies? AMANDA: Naw, I don’t see any chocolate-chip. SELKIE: Veggie Chips? AMANDA: Eeew, gross. SELKIE: Hot Bombs? AMANDA: No, but I may try those later. SELKIE: Mister Tennis[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Grease the wheels, with butter and brown sugar. ↓ TranscriptTODD: Okay, we're here. So, I forget am I NOT asking her, or… AMANDA (vo): ASK ASK ASK!!! SFX: knock knock UNKNOWN VOICE: ACK! ANDI (VO): Oh crap, that must be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Let the perpetual rumination begin ↓ TranscriptAmanda: Man, I really wanna do that water park beach whatever thing. AMANDA: You're gonna ask Mom tonight, right? You won't forget, right?!?!? TODD: Amanda, YES, okay? I'll ask tonight. TODD: Why do you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Knife Monopoly is invented by this person. ↓ TranscriptTODD: Thanks for dinner, guys. MARI: Oh, you know it's our pleasure, dear. MARI: Now, I want you to be sure to bring everone by this weekend for a game night[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Noon-ish… still technically Monday. >_> ↓ TranscriptMARI (VO): So, while we're on the subject of the wedding, I'm just curious Marta, why you're having it so far from home. MARTA (VO): Well, Mom, Steve's family is in Michigan, it's going[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Freshwater beach. Sarnothi can’t handle saltwater anymore than we can. -2/24/2021 edit: my apologies for updating the website so belatedly after the Twitter and Facebook, but I do need to let everyone know that today Selkie will be up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Brainslip ↓ TranscriptSELKIE: Sos… people say mean things to you… buts it's funny? TODD: Selkie, do you remember the times we've talked about not letting insults get to you? It's like that. SELKIE: Likes when people call me names. AMANDA:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
↓ TranscriptTODD (VO): Excuse me, folks? TODD: Could I ask you to keep the conversation to yourselves, please? TODD: We're trying to absorb ambiance, not ignorance. MARI: You know, Theo, I’ve always found it grossly distasteful when people feel like[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…