I’m back, and I’m bringing threats of lymericks. ↓ TranscriptTHEO: Heeey, Selkie! MARI: Where'd you pop off too? SELKIE: I saw another sarnothi ands wanteds to say hello. THEO: Oh, a new friend? Very nice! SELKIE: Yeahs! Mights get to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Marta
I had a chance to get kangaroo steak once, but the restaurant was out of stock. The feels were real.
This strip was a absolute saga to work on. Started the comic last night before bed, went home over lunch hour to do some drawing, couldn’t find my stylus, realized one of the cats must have stole it, spent the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fanart Update! Maryssa of Made By Maryssa drew me a Round Two of bridesmaid dress what-ifs, with a bonus Modesty Wetsuit! Thank you, Maryssa!
Knife Monopoly is invented by this person. ↓ TranscriptTODD: Thanks for dinner, guys. MARI: Oh, you know it's our pleasure, dear. MARI: Now, I want you to be sure to bring everone by this weekend for a game night[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Noon-ish… still technically Monday. >_> ↓ TranscriptMARI (VO): So, while we're on the subject of the wedding, I'm just curious Marta, why you're having it so far from home. MARTA (VO): Well, Mom, Steve's family is in Michigan, it's going[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…