Just a quick heads-up, but I’m going to have to skip the Wednesday update this week. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I’ll be back Friday with the next strip!
Meet Steve, everyone. – – – – – Just wanted to mention again, that I will be attending the Artist Alley at Anime Central this weekend, at Table G05. I’ve also compiled a second Selkie book to bring along, which[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It occurred to me halfway through this that this makes the second time Grandma and Grandpa have been written as being unavailable for joining the function du jour (first time being when they had a previously arranged party to attend and couldn't babysit Selkie during the coffee incident). I probably don't strictly NEED to specifically state what activity they are undergoing that prevents them from joining the current arc, I just hate the idea of them being absent without explanation. Plus, hey, meet Steve. Bonus.
Just another reminder to those interested/nearby the Reno Nevada area that I will be in the artist alley of SNAFU-Con at the end of October. I’ve put a little sticky note in the sidebar for reference. Oh, and the landslide[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So while putting together this next arc I realized I'd overlooked a timeline blunder: Selkie unleashes the Cell Phone Gambit on a Monday, then on the following day (a Tuesday) has the final confrontation followed with a dream sequence. Originally I wanted the strategy meeting to take place on the Tuesday of that week because the PTA meeting is on Wednesday evening. HOWEVER, I wrote a dream sequence as the ending scene of that whole bit, which suggests the finale piece takes place Tuesday night... which I realized too late means that for the strategy meeting to happen on a Tuesday, the comic's narrative has to make some awkward and clumsy timeline skips if the next arc takes place AFTER the first 95% of the previous arc but BEFORE the last 5%. Requires less narrative juggling to have both the strategy coffee AND the PTA meeting happen on the Wednesday of the week this all takes place in. If that gives Todd Selkie and Mina a very very busy Wednesday, well c'est la vie. :3
This comic was half an hour late because World of Warcraft is evil. (I’ll give you a hint to what I’ve been playing: Pyroblast is the best deal anywhere!) I’ve been thinking a lot about the order in which the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Lot of dialogue juggling involved to balance expo-speak with not SOUNDING like expo-speak too much.
I want to take a moment to say “thank you” to everyone for your support and readership. You all just helped me out a lot recently, and you probably had no idea you did so. See, I just got done[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Theo is an amateur conspiracy theorist; he's used to reading between lines. (You can't go pro without the tinfoil hat)
Selkie is accustomed to reading cursive writing at a 3rd-grade level. (You’ve all been very patient with me regarding Brown’s obstructions and obfuscations on the name of Selkie’s people and homeland and I wanna thank you for putting up with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Can I just say how happy I am that I can now stop double-checking everything I type regarding Selkie to ensure I didn't use the word "sarnothi" prematurely? XD