And we’re back to the classroom! I got a couple things to share. First, I received a lovely piece of fanart from Deviant Artist Colanah the other day that I wish to share: Thanks Colanah! I also have a small[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
More experimentation with the backgrounds. Stating to think using vector lines all this time was a bit of a crutch. :(
I wanna thank everyone for the feedback on the doodle last week. Pros and cons alike, I read and absorbed everything you all had to say. Truthfully, I’ve been dis-satisfied with the character’s outline style for a while now, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I could not for the life of me figure out how to make Mr. Thompson NOT look like some kind of giant in panel 1. XD
I use a generic internet translator for Tony’s french, so don’t hesitate to give me a correction if needed. -EDIT- Fixed Tony’s french to ta guele based on reader feedback. Thanks gang! I also got another fan art in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
They have the “dodge” part of the game down nicely. – – – – – I got some fan art sketches in this morning I wanna share, courtesy of Mike L: Thanks Mike!
I had written a "good to see you" line for George before I remembered that seeing Sandy and Wu isn't a reunion meeting for him. Doh. XD
I remember liking gym class when I was Selkie’s age. At that age it was just fun unstructured stuff like freeze tag and duck duck goose, or whatever you call the big rainbow parachute. I didn’t start hating gym class[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Due to poor time management, I couldn't do shadowing on this one. Sorry. -EDIT- And one whole update day later, I've gone and retroactively shaded the comic. Also added some classroom details to panel 3 that I forgot earlier. Yay retcon!
Amanda’s displeasure face makes me laugh. I also have an addition to the Ancillary Art page. A seating chart for Selkie’s class I made for reference: The three “devil orphan” kids are in this class, coincidentally (ha ha). The girl[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don't yet know much about Chanelle, but apparently she loves math!
In lieu of Director Commentary, I thought I’d share the pencil sketch version of the final panel of today’s strip. I wanted a bigger shot of the classroom kids, but cramming so many kids in the panel made the desks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
I have a request for you guys. I have to submit samples of my work for a student gallery exhibition, and I would like to use a page or two from Selkie. But I can’t decide which ones1 I’d prefer[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don't have anything special to say about this one, sorry.
There haven't been background kids in this strip or the last one because I was afraid background comedy would detract from the mood. I don't follow the Harold Zoid method of drama.
I have had this scene running in my head for months now, but now that it’s finally out, I feel a bit sad watching it unfold. So, I’d like to lighten the mood with some cute fan art sent to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes drawing Selkie is a fine balance between "adorable" and "horrifying". Too much realism or detail and she becomes alien and, visually speaking, difficult to relate to. This is why I usually only draw her top row of teeth when speaking. I want her fangs to remain visible on a "day to day" basis so they don't become jarring or unnerving when they DO appear (in the visual language of comics and animation suddenly-appearing fangs tends to signify malicious intent, a trope I try to subvert with Selkie's design); but when both rows of teeth become visible it can create a "baring her fangs" look. I mention this because I personally find the close up of Selkie's mouth here a bit unnerving. She's a sweet stubborn and smart kid, but she also has a mouth filled with razor sharp fangs. She can't help it but it's unavoidable that, to a human perspective, her mouth is a bit scary if you look too closely.