She only had the one grape, but it tastes REALLY bad to her. Poor kid.
(For those that check on the comic right at Midnight, sorry it was a bit late. I had to write the blog entry twice due to firefox crash. XD)
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I got two pieces of Fan Art over the weekend. I am loving this Fan Art deluge lately.
First is from the desk of Avery “Comradenstein” Hayes:
And the second is from the Sugary Cynic:
Thank you both!
I have one other piece of news to give today. I like to maintain a certain amount of transparency when I choose to do retroactive changes to the comic, even over small background items. Back in strip #86 I showed a book on Todd’s bedside table called The Secret Kingdom. I gave it that name because The Secret Kingdom sounded like a good name for a schlocky pulp-fantasy novel, or a kids-lit fantasy book. It was brought to my attention though that The Secret Kingdom is also the name of a book written by Pat Robertson, the person who blamed Hurricane Katrina and the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on homosexuality and abortion. I want nothing to do with him, even implicitly, so I’ve renamed the book on Todd’s bed table to something more appropriate. Todd’s reading of choice is now The Silver Sword and the Grey Wren: Book 4 of the Saga of Ymaza-Kriyl. XD
Discussion (43) ¬
First chance for first post and…
I dont know what to say. Sadface.
I suppose I’ll have to settle for noting that grandma must be a LITTLE psychic if she knew to have Selkie’s hair pulled back. :^P
No, she looks horrified, that was mean.
Panel two grandma eyes. That it all.
I think Pat Robertson, however sincere he may be, is almost always wrong in his views. I also think you would be better served by simply saying that since you disagree with him on a great many issues you consider important, you have decided to disassociate yourself by changing the name of the book. Leave off the name-calling — it’s more demeaning to you than to him. Better to take the high road.
You raise a good point, thank you.
Actually I don’t see any name-calling. I just see passed on info. I see no opinions. Just potential facts. I myself know nothing of that person.
You don’t see the name calling because I removed it. >_>
WTG for taking the high road for sure. I wasn’t aware of any of his books since I tend to completely ignore anything from him. Though I was aware of his … “views” shall we say? Good job Dave.
Well, Dave, if you want to make up a title for a book that doesn’t exist, ya gotta maybe try a little harder. I would suggest “The Tales Of Blah Blah Baggins” or some other kitchy thing that people recognize the play on words and the genre but it is absolutely not a published book LOL.
Oh, and the longer the title, the more absurd:)
Oh, I don’t know. I’d probably read “The Silver Sword and the Grey Wren: Book 4 of the Saga of Ymaza-Kriyl” …
Lol, from the look of your avatar, you’d probably EAT the grey wren….
ROFLMAO @ Lenny!!!
Well, wrens ARE quite tasty! They taste like chicken! Like itty-bitty chickens … and you need a lot of them.
awe, poor seal dress! little club soda maybe?
and oh man, about that book! it’s really funny but not at the same time. XD but I can’t believe you changed it to the Saga of Ymaza-Kriyl, I mean, that book has some very sketchy topics… >)
You want to soda club the seal! You monster!
Noooooo!!!! it must be done, in order to save it
I just noticed that she’s still got a blotch of grape on the side of her mouth. Nice attention to detail there.
Pretty sure that’s some vomit, either smeared on the corner of her mouth on the way out or splattered up and stuck. It’s implied her vomit is purple.
Selkie’s grape on her shirt is Grandma’s chance for redemption… I like it~
HER DRESS!!! it looked so cute…
Aww, that sucks. Everyone’s freaking out!
Actually, Todd’s staying really calm. It’s good he had a little time to learn about her and go through her file. Too bad he didn’t have much of a chance to talk to his parents before they met her, though.
And nothing says ‘disgusting’ quite like purple barf on a new dress…
Could be worse. At least she didn’t have a full stomach (fish barf—YUCK). I also have to say some of the worst puke ever is after eating spaghetti and tomato sauce. Lumpy stringy red stuff (looks like gore), and the tomato sauce coming up stings like a mother f* coming back up.
If you ever have to puke, though, best thing to have is lemon gatorade mixed with sprite. It has electrolytes, a little sugar (helpful if you haven’t eaten), and doesn’t sting so much as other foods.
Well, this couldn’t have come at a more appropriate time for me. Our 2 YO daughter’s been puking since 2am last night (stomach virus). Poor kid (and our bed) stinks pretty good, but aside from wiping her down and occasionally changing her clothes we can’t do much (bc things just get puked on again). It’s hard, bc she wants to eat and drink but can’t stomach much. Luckily stomach flus usually don’t last more than 24 hours.
Todd’s handling being a dad really well. Staying calm and positive (yet empathic) is so important when little ones get sick or hurt.
I believe you mean empathetic rather than empathic. Although psychic abilities are a useful parenting tool, especially when the youngsters hit the teen years.
I had many bouts of stomach flu as a kid, and spent days on end living on nothing but flattened ginger ale. Which I recommend. Flatten by putting it through a blender, with a hand blender directly in the glass being the easiest if you have one. Hope the kid feels better soon!
I have a weak stomach and can’t have carbonated drinks, but I love soda. I found out the easiest way to flatten soda is to add about 1/4 water. It sounds gross but the fact is they add enough sugar to soda that it still tastes sweet, and it doesn’t really take that long to get used to.
My aunt does that for my 7 and 9 year old cousins, albiet more to diminish the hyperactivity. XD
I’m still trying to figure out if Dave purposefully has Todd say “Sick it out” or did he mean to say “Stick it out”?
“Sick it out” is what I intended, yes. It didn’t occur to me that the turn of phrase may not be used elsewhere. >_>
Sorry for the late response, but I hope your kid is feeling better.
Poor Selkie … she was just trying what grandma said. Now I picture her feeling guilty for throwing up the “good-for-her-food” that grandma insisted she try. And now her beautiful seal-dress is ruined! I do agree with Aita, it’s a chance for grandma to make it up (as she obviously feels, not only terrible, but probably quite frightened right now).
@dotcom; I agree! Todd is handling this REALLY well! And I hope that 2yo (good name, by the way) is feeling better soon! Poor kid! (Yes, I know that’s not really her name … it’d be a good one though … till she turned 3.)
Great fan art Avery & Sugary! Fun images!
Poor Selkie! Something tells me you’re tired of drawing the seal dress, LOL. Time for an outfit change!
Just long enough to get some spot remover on it. XD
One of the joys of new fatherhood … comforting your child while she vomits. Todd is handling things well. I do hope Grandma gets the chance to redeem herself, and that the dress isn’t totally ruined.
I think I found one of Selies cousins.
Aw, that comic is cute, thanks for sharing!
Good job!
These comics sure are out of the blue and quiet interesting. I like the colour of Todd’s ‘parents’ very nice touch to the whole story line 
If I were Todd I would be running around crazily trying to think of something
-stressing out-
Keep up the good work! Oh and I’m deffinately not being racist above. I am black myself.
You forgot the lace on her dress, in the panel where she’s rushing headlong into the bathroom.
Poor Selkie, being sick is horrid no matter what race you are.
1) I never noticed how selkie really looks, until shes face to face with a toilet( sharp teeth, blue skin, little girl dress, braids)
2) i dont know who the guy your talking about is, but i dont think i want to know, ill be it im personnaly against abortion, he sounds like an a-hole
Aww, poor baby.

I don’t know why I think that when she’s throwing up, but she’s so adorable, especially in the last panel!
But still, that must suck. I hate getting sick, especially throwing up! NOT fun!
Ah, poor Selkie.
Reminds me of the time I accidently eat a chicken sandwich (thought it was tuna, I was seven) And the woman who gave it me didn’t know I was vegetrian. I never ate any meat other than fish before that, so Selkie, I feel your pain. Or nausea.
NICE coloring! Prettiest page so far, even though it’s all about vomits!
I’m rereading this and I’d like to point out that “The Secret Kingdom” is also the title of a children’s fantasy novel, the title of a little girls’ fantasy series, and the title of an art book.
I like your new title better though, since it sounds like something I’d read.