Todd has as many questions as the rest of us, he’s just been trying to handle it delicately and restrain his curiosity.
Oh, and there also seems to be a bit of a breaking and entering situation here…
– – – – –
I bought Little Big Planet 2 the other day, and I decided to give my sackperson a makeover. There is now a Little Big Selkie out there playing people’s levels.
I don’t have the equipment to record off of my TV so this is with my handheld camera (regular digital photo camera, not a video camera), and I was holding it the wrong way for a bit in the beginning. XD
Oh, and thank you everyone for your support and ideas for my 100 sculptures assignment. I’ve been working on it pretty much every waking moment since Thursday, so needless to say I am very VERY happy I work on the comic in advance instead of day-to-day like so many others. I am at 70 of the 100 sculptures!
Discussion (39) ¬
love the faces she made ^_^
woot me first
I love how Todd goes into Papa Wolf mode. I bet it’s just Andi though, which will make things a bit…awkward.
“The lady in Unit 02 is a friend. Her name’s Asuka.”
Hahahah! I just got that! That is so awesome!!
Yeah that cracked me up.
oh for the love of crap. >_<
I recognized the name but totally spaced on Unit 02.
Better run before the dork police kick in my door.
Recognized the name, got the reference, and missed the Unit 02 bit. This is especially sad as I’ve been binging Evangelion in multiple forms for the last month or so.
Re-reading from the future… The real kick is this means Todd said “unit zero-two”… which means Asuka and her boyfriend may be aware of the reference and be playing into it…
There goes the Neighborhood…and peace and quiet.
…to rhyme with, ‘If I scream help, go into her flat because I don’t want you potentially seeing me having the snot beaten out of me by a 17 year-old high on drugs?!!!
HAHAHa love your little sackperson make-over!
What did you decide to go with for your sculptures?
So, is it the “lady friend” we’ve been hearing about?
Oh god, the face in the third panel. SO CUTE. Also please tell me Asuka is a redhead.
Oh, and yeah, totally awesome Comic. Just thought I should say that.
Also, for some reason I totally thought it wanted the url of the website you were posting the comment on, not a URL for your website. Whoops.
Selkie’s expression in the third panel, humor of “Asuka” in “Unit 02”, major intrigue, and a Selkie sack person. You just made the world one gigantically wonderful place, Dave:)
omg i absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh, from what we’ve seen of her so far, Selkie is a bit asocial but far from timid. Looks like Todd is going to find that out soon.
I agree that the intruder is probably Todd’s ex, which means some of Selkie’s questions are about to be answered and others raised. And Todd is going to regret not getting that spare key back…
Daaaww thats just adorable.
also is it odd that i recognised the music from just 2 notes?
(derezzed daft punk)
I burst out laughing and scared my cat. I don’t even WATCH Evangelion and I still got that. The Internet rocks, especially you.
It’s just one thing after another isn’t it?
I actually feel like stuff is happening too fast, since, ya know, it’s still the same day he officially adopted her. But yeah, guess it’s just a busy day for Todd.
is the song in the video daft punks tron theme?
Yep! It’s Derezzed.
Thats so awesome i bought LBP 2 at the midnight release
(comment if you too are a little bigger!)
My bet is that it’s his ex!
It’s either that or ninjas, and ninjas do not leave the door open.
I further hazard that the ex is going to say hurtful things about Selkie– not just disparaging the fact he adopted a girl, but ugly remarks about Selkie’s “strangeness.”
I was actually thinking about this, and occurred to me that maybe if(and I’m saying “if” because I don’t remember it being confirmed it is an ex-girlfriend) it’s his ex in there, that maybe they broke up because he wanted kids and she didn’t.
It’d make sense with the adoption thing and all.
I bet the cost of the shoes that we’re about to learn that Todd knows Kung Fu.
I’m thinking it is the girl Todd was talking to some strips back.
Tis the ladyfriend, that’s obvious. Why they broke up…. No knowledge.
Remember to post a picture of your sculptures on here. Looking forward to see who is in the apartment.
I just got the Eva reference and cracked up. I was just recently making my boyfriend watch the series with me and I can’t believe it took that long for me to get the reference. XD
You, sir, have earned yourself a good nerd cookie!
Nerd cookie!!1 om nom nom!
Do we get to meet the ex? Or perhaps watch Todd go bad*** on someone?
Personally, I’d like to see him go all bad*** and see Selkie’s reaction to that. Heh, or Asuka come to the rescue. =D
Asuka? Well, if it’s the Nobody Dies version of Asuka (Shameless plug for an epic fanfic), than that’s okay…but since this is most likely Cannon!Asuka, well…does she have a repressed crush on Tod? If so…Nice Knowing You, Todd.
Panels 3 and 4 always make my heart sink :(. Empathy for sad Selkie.
…uh wow, This reveal of her name made this super sad. The idea of answering with your own name when asked ‘what’ you are… That just hurts a lot.
Dun dun DUN!
Guess who?
This is in response to the “Secret Director Commentary”, but asking an eight-year-old kid to enunciate a concrete definition of identity and self isn’t that murky. I’ve driven school bus, and although not all eight-year-olds could do that, there are six-year-olds who can. You’d be surprised just what all an eight-year-old can actually understand and comprehend if just given the proper chance.