Don’t sweat the purse. If your shoulder gets tired, swapping it around is a good idea, or else you can get headaches. (Sadly, I wound up having to wear mine as a belt-pouch dealie, because of headaches. )
I’m definitely right handed, and my purse hangs randomly. Often it’d hang on the wrong side because I carry something else in my right hand and don’t want to have it get in the way…
Actually, her purse seems to be on the correct side to me. I’m Left-handed and carry the same way, on the right side. It leaves my dominant hand free that way.
And Click goes Todd’s brain. You can see the subtle shift in his attitude as he realizes a bit more about what’s going on.
Amanda is ADORABLE in panel 5, BTW.
I’m gonna preemptively defend Andi to those who are going to demand to know why she hasn’t told Amanda about Patricia’s lack of desire to meet her granddaughter. It is far, FAR too soon to say “never” to a meeting in this case, and the last thing Amanda needs to hear is that her grandmother doesn’t want her, which is how she’d hear it no matter how it’d be phrased. I wonder if this will lead to a Meeting Of The Grandparents…to be a fly on the wall for THAT!
…And, um, the purse? My mother, sister-in-law, and I are all right handed and wear our purses slung on the left. Keeps it out of the way and we just pull it forward to access it.
Once of the patterns I noticed while getting to know two sides of our family (one for one brother, one for the other), and then going through a foster-care situation on the one side, is that the news we had Today is never the same as the news we’d have Next Week or Next Month. We started off completely stressed out over things like “nevers” and also, with regard to foster care, the idea that we were going to lose access to them forever (or at least until they were adults and then only if we managed to get in touch with them after that), but situations changed rapidly, and attitudes changed, and people got to know each other, and people softened their stances toward things, and eventually we fell into something that was far closer to what we wanted at the beginning than we had expected back when we were being told a lot of negative things.
Things change. People change. Respect a person’s right to say no in the short term, and don’t push them, but don’t take it as a forever “no” either.
Yeah — I wonder if he put two and two together and came up with Andi’s Mom.
And, for all that Andi is deer-in-headlights, she’s…
1: Totally acknowledging that Amanda has grandparents on that side.
2: Not qualifying with the adopted bit.
3: Not trying to poison the well there at all.
I could see him leaving the girls with Mari and Theo, taking her aside and asking her “Okay, so is your mom not on board with this?” and getting the rest of that story, yeah. I doubt he’d forgive her (that bridge is thoroughly burned,) but it might help explain her actions a bit more and help them at least get to more civil terms with each other, which they could definitely use.
At least from me there’s no need to defend her. Amanda has enough on her plate to digest. As for Andi’s mom, my grandmother on my father’s side was a bitter hag that hated everyone. I was never told much except that I didn’t like her as a baby. When I finally met her, the worst I took it was to make the joke “So babies can sense evil,”
I’m right handed but I shoot left. I use my left for nothing else, really, except for shooting pistols. It might have to do with my being left eye dominant, however.
Hey, I am left handed and I get it. And sometimes — if I wore a purse I mean — it may just be hanging on the right. Grow up in a righty world, stuff gets opposite and you get used to it. Who knows!~
Wow… the visible maturity of Todd rubbing off on Amanda knowing there were people out there who have missed her and loved her and she probably suspected that and I wonder if a.) she is gonna see her mom isn’t all that great after meeting Todd’s parents and b.) if this run-on sentence will simply trail…
You know what i really love about this strip
Selkie’s minute expression
Shows that she is probably upset somewhat with her eyes
but shows some happiness for Amanda with her slight smile
Great Strip Dave
I find it adorable when Amanda gets like this, I wouldn’t mind seeing that side of her more often. It kills me to know that my Amanda is a brat meter is starting to tingle. I think Andi is going to need a frickin drink as soon as she gets the chance .
Andi, mother of ‘Mandy was struck in the mind with a though that first jammed then paralyzed all available braincells. She was found unresponsive by police who subdued he and took her into custody. The only information that police have about her, is the sentence; “Theo and Mari, Theo and Mari,” that she repeats over and over again.
The girl, who states that her name is ” ‘Mandy Mari! And don’t you forget it, and this is my MOM!” was placed with Child Services.
The mother has been placed in hospital care waiting contact with next of kin.
I also started with “deer in the headlights”. But that is invariably fatal to the deer. I see three legged dogs, never three legged deer. Then it was, “Oh, stalled car on the freeway,” but that was also fraught with fatalities, although less often. Then I thought about the previous page, and got inspired, all “Sorry, Squire, your record’s broke,” and knew that was what I felt Andi was stuck in, …Andi was stuck in, …stuck in, …stuck in, …
Well, outside of Austin we get the deer standing in the road. They stand. We stare. Eventually they go “oh gosh, a car!” and bound off. We just have to be patient.
You would be more likely to wear it on the right if you were left handed, because you would grab it with that hand while using your dominant left hand to rifle through it for whatever.
I’m a dude, so I don’t wear a purse, but the few times I’ve carried a courier bag or a shoulder strap tool kit, I’ve found it most comfortable to carry it on my off-hand side to keep my dominant hand free.
Yes, this. I’m a righty, and all my life I’ve preferred to keep my cross-strap purse on my left side where it’s out of the way and doesn’t interfere as much. But a lot depends on purse design and what you need to keep in which part of the purse. Just lately I needed to retrain myself to sling it on my right side because I started keeping an entry card I use a lot in an end pouch, and it’s easier to swing the purse forward to tap it against the sensor from inside the pouch, from my right side.
So, bottom line, as everyone’s been telling you… don’t sweat it. There’s no rule. None. Some women habitually do it one way, some the other, and some switch depending on which purse they’re using, what they’re doing that day, which shoulder is getting tired, and their whim of the moment. Andi strikes me as someone who might well switch her purse around a lot just because she doesn’t want to be predictable.
Well, the reason WHY Andi hasn’t introduced Amanda to her maternal grandmother yet is clear enough that even those that hate the character haven’t piped in yet.
Todd, Todd, Todd…. how could you lie to her like that, her Mat grandmother is a hateful manipulative bitch. Unless he didn’t know? Was Andi totally alone with her mother’s abuse and machinations? Did she(Andi) keep all of that from even Todd? He surely must know what the mom-beast is like? Or does he know and is spitefully making it extra difficult for Andi by building up Amanda’s hopes up about a happy reunion? I’d like to think Todd is a better person than that, not the least of which is that if he wants what is best for Amanda setting her up for crushing disappointment is downright cruel.
I assumed he was talking about his own parents, in which case what he’s saying is fine, considering they’re good people. But, otherwise, yes, terrible terrible job Todd.
Speaking of her ashes: I wonder if the Smiths have taken them off the mantle, or is Dave is planning to have the urn visible during her visit for the drama value?
I would not be surprised if Todd actually does not in fact know the full extent (at most maybe Patricia would mention her concerns, but I get the very distinct impression that she waited until Andi was alone and panicking and at her absolute most vulnerable to present the full adoption case,) and that maybe Andi spent more time at the Smiths’ place than Todd at the McClellans’. Also, even Andi didn’t understand the full extent of the “I want nothing to do with that thing, it would have ruined your life and I want to pretend it never happened” stuff until that meeting, which was maybe a week or two ago in-story. I suspect she sincerely thought Patricia was saying it thinking what was best for the baby and not only for Andi and Todd.
As to why he didn’t drop that shoe on Amanda if he does know… we got on Andi’s case for dropping the “he thought you were dead” bomb on her the way she did, this is another where the badly abused eight-year-old miiiight not be ready to hear that her maternal grandmother strongly wishes she never existed whatsoever just yet. Particularly since it’s not really his place to do so – he is in fact her father, but Andi’s still the one with primary custody and it’s probably in both girls’ best interest she stays that way, and it’s not his parents who are the problem. Especially since, as a commenter’s pointed upthread, it’s pretty soon to say it’s definitely a “never” situation. I doubt Patricia will come around, and I’d argue that if she does she’ll need to earn the chance to be in Amanda’s life anyway, but it IS a possibility.
Meh, that’s why I don’t comment everyday.
It is as if this Comic draws the best snark, the best wit, the best parenting, the best suggestions, … Sure there is some slag in the comments, but by and large; better thoughts than I can make. They must be, like, 96 percent Teachers, or physicists or something. Some days I just sigh, wishing I were clever, although I Did have one thought yesterday….
How big a revelation is Todd having, with that, “She hasn’t?”
Mostly I would say it’s exactly what it seems on the surface: Todd’s being mature and really caring about Amanda. She hasn’t even met Andi’s mom? So Andi’s been trying to do this alone. (And, given Todd’s opinion of Andi right now, uh-oh, she’s probably messing it up.) Amanda needs to be told right now that she has an extended family who will welcome her and surround her with affection.
(We haven’t seen how much he’s aware of what Patricia’s like. He probably does know Andi’s father isn’t in the picture.)
But… there’s no way he’s not registering Andi’s facial expression. He knows, and there has to be a small undercurrent of satisfaction in his mind that it totally serves her right. His smile in panel 7 seems to have just a trace of “Well, she deserves this. I am going to prove that I am a better parent than she is — because I am. I’ll show her how it’s done.”
…and maybe a bit of this is fair payback, after what she did to him. There are worse ways to get even with someone who’s done you wrong. All the same, I hope it doesn’t turn into a long-term competition for Amanda’s affections. That would be really bad for Amanda.
This would have been a good moment to mention to Amanda that Todd was adopted, so as to avoid an awkward moment later if Amanda is assuming that she’s going to be meeting her blood-related paternal grandparents. –As it is, it almost looks as though Todd is avoiding revealing it in order to teach Amanda a lesson once she puts her foot in her mouth.
Less applicable when not ‘surprise bond-of-adoption daughter with bond-of-adoption parents with same bond type, making her feel less of an outsider’ and instead ‘surprise bond-of-blood daughter with bond-of-adoption parent with same bond type as rival bond-of-adoption sister, making her feel more of an outsider’.
I’m having trouble parsing Amanda’s last statement. “I meant my DAD, not you!” Who does she have that she could refer to as ‘Dad’ other than Todd? I don’t think she’d talk of the father who returned her to the orphanage by such a familiar term.
I have to give Selkie props, too, for what she said in the end. Even after all Amanda has done, she accepts her apology? That’s a big deal for a willful kid like Selkie.
I’ll bet dollars to donuts that Selkie KNEW she was talking to/about Todd, and decided that if she can’t unleash Hells (either, with or without a super-villain laugh) she’ll at least annoy Amanda any way she can get away with… and how better than to THANK HER for her APOLOGY that was yelled out to a non-specified person to which Selkie happily “misinterpreted” it as pertaining to all the crappy things that Amanda has said to her over the last few years!!!
Yeah, I think so too. The girls are switching from overt to more passive-aggressive warfare, and I can’t help but think it’s adorable. Selkie’s wise, Amanda’s on the brink of huge changes, they are very likely to make a great and terrifying (to outsiders) sister band
Really, it is time RIGHT NOW, for Todd to do something for Selkie, so she knows that Amanda is coming into Both their lives, but that she was there first, and while she may have Primacy of place, she can make room for him to have a relationship with ‘Mandy, cause she’s kin, too. Todd must make it clear that blood-kin in NO WAY pushes Selkie’s claim to Todd’s heart out of place. Todd, … Are you listening to me?
Don’t sweat the purse. If your shoulder gets tired, swapping it around is a good idea, or else you can get headaches. (Sadly, I wound up having to wear mine as a belt-pouch dealie, because of headaches.
I’ve got a backpack style purse for the same reason! Shoulders that feel like they’re carved from rock & whopping headaches with a cross-body purse!
I’m definitely right handed, and my purse hangs randomly. Often it’d hang on the wrong side because I carry something else in my right hand and don’t want to have it get in the way…
Really, really don’t sweat the purse.
Actually, her purse seems to be on the correct side to me. I’m Left-handed and carry the same way, on the right side. It leaves my dominant hand free that way.
I know many women that switch shoulders whenever their shoulder feels worn out. This is not a big deal.
Yup! It’s perfectly normal! Especially if the purse is on the heavy side.
And Click goes Todd’s brain. You can see the subtle shift in his attitude as he realizes a bit more about what’s going on.
Amanda is ADORABLE in panel 5, BTW.
I’m gonna preemptively defend Andi to those who are going to demand to know why she hasn’t told Amanda about Patricia’s lack of desire to meet her granddaughter. It is far, FAR too soon to say “never” to a meeting in this case, and the last thing Amanda needs to hear is that her grandmother doesn’t want her, which is how she’d hear it no matter how it’d be phrased. I wonder if this will lead to a Meeting Of The Grandparents…to be a fly on the wall for THAT!
…And, um, the purse? My mother, sister-in-law, and I are all right handed and wear our purses slung on the left. Keeps it out of the way and we just pull it forward to access it.
I’m with you regarding the news of Andi’s mom.
Once of the patterns I noticed while getting to know two sides of our family (one for one brother, one for the other), and then going through a foster-care situation on the one side, is that the news we had Today is never the same as the news we’d have Next Week or Next Month. We started off completely stressed out over things like “nevers” and also, with regard to foster care, the idea that we were going to lose access to them forever (or at least until they were adults and then only if we managed to get in touch with them after that), but situations changed rapidly, and attitudes changed, and people got to know each other, and people softened their stances toward things, and eventually we fell into something that was far closer to what we wanted at the beginning than we had expected back when we were being told a lot of negative things.
Things change. People change. Respect a person’s right to say no in the short term, and don’t push them, but don’t take it as a forever “no” either.
“And Click goes Todd’s brain.”
Yeah — I wonder if he put two and two together and came up with Andi’s Mom.
And, for all that Andi is deer-in-headlights, she’s…
1: Totally acknowledging that Amanda has grandparents on that side.
2: Not qualifying with the adopted bit.
3: Not trying to poison the well there at all.
I could see him leaving the girls with Mari and Theo, taking her aside and asking her “Okay, so is your mom not on board with this?” and getting the rest of that story, yeah. I doubt he’d forgive her (that bridge is thoroughly burned,) but it might help explain her actions a bit more and help them at least get to more civil terms with each other, which they could definitely use.
At least from me there’s no need to defend her. Amanda has enough on her plate to digest. As for Andi’s mom, my grandmother on my father’s side was a bitter hag that hated everyone. I was never told much except that I didn’t like her as a baby. When I finally met her, the worst I took it was to make the joke “So babies can sense evil,”
Don’t sweat it Dave. Maybe she prefers strong-side to cross-draw.
Which side’s she carry her gun on?
This may explain that.
I’m right handed but I shoot left. I use my left for nothing else, really, except for shooting pistols. It might have to do with my being left eye dominant, however.
Same here I shoot left handed but I do almost everything else right handed.
Hm … apparently this one got posted twice, one here and once as a reply to Ren’s comment below, which is where I intended it to be.
Hey, I am left handed and I get it. And sometimes — if I wore a purse I mean — it may just be hanging on the right. Grow up in a righty world, stuff gets opposite and you get used to it. Who knows!~
Wow… the visible maturity of Todd rubbing off on Amanda knowing there were people out there who have missed her and loved her and she probably suspected that and I wonder if a.) she is gonna see her mom isn’t all that great after meeting Todd’s parents and b.) if this run-on sentence will simply trail…
That run-on sentence ended like a Candlejack thr
You said his name! Now he’ll be coming for you as well.
Thanks Dave for reminding me about the awesome show that was freakazoid.
Thank goodness that Todd and Amanda are getting along. Then again he’s proven to be a good parent.
You know what i really love about this strip
Selkie’s minute expression
Shows that she is probably upset somewhat with her eyes
but shows some happiness for Amanda with her slight smile
Great Strip Dave
I find it adorable when Amanda gets like this, I wouldn’t mind seeing that side of her more often. It kills me to know that my Amanda is a brat meter is starting to tingle. I think Andi is going to need a frickin drink as soon as she gets the chance .
Although she just /had/ to ruin it again by slapping down Selkie’s verbal olive branch…
Well, Amanda _could_ have said, “I meant my DAD, not you, fishface!”. So there’s some progress.
And yes, she can be adorably excited when she’s about to get something she wants really badly.
It’s just that when someone she doesn’t like gets something nice that the nasty comes pouring out like a disturbed wasp nest.
Andi, mother of ‘Mandy was struck in the mind with a though that first jammed then paralyzed all available braincells. She was found unresponsive by police who subdued he and took her into custody. The only information that police have about her, is the sentence; “Theo and Mari, Theo and Mari,” that she repeats over and over again.
The girl, who states that her name is ” ‘Mandy Mari! And don’t you forget it, and this is my MOM!” was placed with Child Services.
The mother has been placed in hospital care waiting contact with next of kin.
I was gonna go with “I think we broke Andi” but I like yours better.
I was just going to go with “Deer, meet headlights.”
I also started with “deer in the headlights”. But that is invariably fatal to the deer. I see three legged dogs, never three legged deer. Then it was, “Oh, stalled car on the freeway,” but that was also fraught with fatalities, although less often. Then I thought about the previous page, and got inspired, all “Sorry, Squire, your record’s broke,” and knew that was what I felt Andi was stuck in, …Andi was stuck in, …stuck in, …stuck in, …
I still have that record. Haven’t played it in years – don’t have any way to connect the turntable…
Well, outside of Austin we get the deer standing in the road. They stand. We stare. Eventually they go “oh gosh, a car!” and bound off. We just have to be patient.
You would be more likely to wear it on the right if you were left handed, because you would grab it with that hand while using your dominant left hand to rifle through it for whatever.
I’m a dude, so I don’t wear a purse, but the few times I’ve carried a courier bag or a shoulder strap tool kit, I’ve found it most comfortable to carry it on my off-hand side to keep my dominant hand free.
Yes, this. I’m a righty, and all my life I’ve preferred to keep my cross-strap purse on my left side where it’s out of the way and doesn’t interfere as much. But a lot depends on purse design and what you need to keep in which part of the purse. Just lately I needed to retrain myself to sling it on my right side because I started keeping an entry card I use a lot in an end pouch, and it’s easier to swing the purse forward to tap it against the sensor from inside the pouch, from my right side.
So, bottom line, as everyone’s been telling you… don’t sweat it. There’s no rule. None. Some women habitually do it one way, some the other, and some switch depending on which purse they’re using, what they’re doing that day, which shoulder is getting tired, and their whim of the moment. Andi strikes me as someone who might well switch her purse around a lot just because she doesn’t want to be predictable.
Well, the reason WHY Andi hasn’t introduced Amanda to her maternal grandmother yet is clear enough that even those that hate the character haven’t piped in yet.
Todd, Todd, Todd…. how could you lie to her like that, her Mat grandmother is a hateful manipulative bitch. Unless he didn’t know? Was Andi totally alone with her mother’s abuse and machinations? Did she(Andi) keep all of that from even Todd? He surely must know what the mom-beast is like? Or does he know and is spitefully making it extra difficult for Andi by building up Amanda’s hopes up about a happy reunion? I’d like to think Todd is a better person than that, not the least of which is that if he wants what is best for Amanda setting her up for crushing disappointment is downright cruel.
I assumed he was talking about his own parents, in which case what he’s saying is fine, considering they’re good people. But, otherwise, yes, terrible terrible job Todd.
Todd is talking about his parents, not Andi’s mom. Todd’s parents probably are all happy to meet Amanda.
Happy, and very surprised. They were, after all, keeping her ashes on their mantle for the last eight years.
Let’s hope Amanda is too surprised by the discovery Todd is also adopted to notice the tension in that meeting.
Speaking of her ashes: I wonder if the Smiths have taken them off the mantle, or is Dave is planning to have the urn visible during her visit for the drama value?
I would not be surprised if Todd actually does not in fact know the full extent (at most maybe Patricia would mention her concerns, but I get the very distinct impression that she waited until Andi was alone and panicking and at her absolute most vulnerable to present the full adoption case,) and that maybe Andi spent more time at the Smiths’ place than Todd at the McClellans’. Also, even Andi didn’t understand the full extent of the “I want nothing to do with that thing, it would have ruined your life and I want to pretend it never happened” stuff until that meeting, which was maybe a week or two ago in-story. I suspect she sincerely thought Patricia was saying it thinking what was best for the baby and not only for Andi and Todd.
As to why he didn’t drop that shoe on Amanda if he does know… we got on Andi’s case for dropping the “he thought you were dead” bomb on her the way she did, this is another where the badly abused eight-year-old miiiight not be ready to hear that her maternal grandmother strongly wishes she never existed whatsoever just yet. Particularly since it’s not really his place to do so – he is in fact her father, but Andi’s still the one with primary custody and it’s probably in both girls’ best interest she stays that way, and it’s not his parents who are the problem. Especially since, as a commenter’s pointed upthread, it’s pretty soon to say it’s definitely a “never” situation. I doubt Patricia will come around, and I’d argue that if she does she’ll need to earn the chance to be in Amanda’s life anyway, but it IS a possibility.
Andi.exe has suffered a critical failure and must be restarted.
…yours too. Everybody’s got more creative versions than I do today.
Meh, that’s why I don’t comment everyday.
It is as if this Comic draws the best snark, the best wit, the best parenting, the best suggestions, … Sure there is some slag in the comments, but by and large; better thoughts than I can make. They must be, like, 96 percent Teachers, or physicists or something. Some days I just sigh, wishing I were clever, although I Did have one thought yesterday….
How big a revelation is Todd having, with that, “She hasn’t?”
Mostly I would say it’s exactly what it seems on the surface: Todd’s being mature and really caring about Amanda. She hasn’t even met Andi’s mom? So Andi’s been trying to do this alone. (And, given Todd’s opinion of Andi right now, uh-oh, she’s probably messing it up.) Amanda needs to be told right now that she has an extended family who will welcome her and surround her with affection.
(We haven’t seen how much he’s aware of what Patricia’s like. He probably does know Andi’s father isn’t in the picture.)
But… there’s no way he’s not registering Andi’s facial expression. He knows, and there has to be a small undercurrent of satisfaction in his mind that it totally serves her right. His smile in panel 7 seems to have just a trace of “Well, she deserves this. I am going to prove that I am a better parent than she is — because I am. I’ll show her how it’s done.”
…and maybe a bit of this is fair payback, after what she did to him. There are worse ways to get even with someone who’s done you wrong. All the same, I hope it doesn’t turn into a long-term competition for Amanda’s affections. That would be really bad for Amanda.
Todd dated Andi for nine years, starting when they were fifteen. There is no way he does not know what her mother is like.
I can see him being a little startled that Amanda has not met her maternal grandmother, but then absolutely understanding why.
This would have been a good moment to mention to Amanda that Todd was adopted.
This would have been a good moment to mention to Amanda that Todd was adopted, so as to avoid an awkward moment later if Amanda is assuming that she’s going to be meeting her blood-related paternal grandparents. –As it is, it almost looks as though Todd is avoiding revealing it in order to teach Amanda a lesson once she puts her foot in her mouth.
I’m thinking Todd wont mention it for the same reason he didn’t tell Selkie.
“You’re adopted too!?” “Surprise!”
Less applicable when not ‘surprise bond-of-adoption daughter with bond-of-adoption parents with same bond type, making her feel less of an outsider’ and instead ‘surprise bond-of-blood daughter with bond-of-adoption parent with same bond type as rival bond-of-adoption sister, making her feel more of an outsider’.
Less applicable, maybe. but not un-applicable. Amanda may have found her birth parents but she was still in the system.
I’m having trouble parsing Amanda’s last statement. “I meant my DAD, not you!” Who does she have that she could refer to as ‘Dad’ other than Todd? I don’t think she’d talk of the father who returned her to the orphanage by such a familiar term.
Upon second reading, I realised my mistake. Amanda is correcting SELKIE… @.@
Panel five

I have to give Selkie props, too, for what she said in the end. Even after all Amanda has done, she accepts her apology? That’s a big deal for a willful kid like Selkie.
I’ll bet dollars to donuts that Selkie KNEW she was talking to/about Todd, and decided that if she can’t unleash Hells (either, with or without a super-villain laugh) she’ll at least annoy Amanda any way she can get away with… and how better than to THANK HER for her APOLOGY that was yelled out to a non-specified person to which Selkie happily “misinterpreted” it as pertaining to all the crappy things that Amanda has said to her over the last few years!!!
Yeah, I think so too. The girls are switching from overt to more passive-aggressive warfare, and I can’t help but think it’s adorable. Selkie’s wise, Amanda’s on the brink of huge changes, they are very likely to make a great and terrifying (to outsiders) sister band
Ooooh, that’s true. She did use similar tactics against Truck.
And Amanda deliberately said ‘my dad’ instead of ‘our dad’ in order to annoy Selkie in a way she can get away with.
Really, it is time RIGHT NOW, for Todd to do something for Selkie, so she knows that Amanda is coming into Both their lives, but that she was there first, and while she may have Primacy of place, she can make room for him to have a relationship with ‘Mandy, cause she’s kin, too. Todd must make it clear that blood-kin in NO WAY pushes Selkie’s claim to Todd’s heart out of place. Todd, … Are you listening to me?
I’m seeing a spin-off kid’s book here: Amanda and the Expressive Pigtails.
… yup. I’ve given it until Sunday and I -still- crack up at Amanda’s expression in the last panel. Might be my favorite yet!
that’s like the weirdest face she ever made…
Anyway, Todd is winning over her children.
That, haha, is NOT good.