More happy squealing. XD
(I like to think Todd re-painted Selkie’s bedroom behind the landlord’s back. My experience with landlords is they are not in favor of re-painting rooms in an apartment. XD)
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I stumbled on a new webcomic recently, The Fatima Story. It’s about three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917 who witness an apparition of the Virgin Mary. It’s cute, give it a look-see!
There is also a Fan Art update today, courtesy of Cello!
Tres cute thank you Cello!
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
You are only permitted thirty minutes of jumping on the bed per day. Use them wisely. May I suggest 9:00-9:30, when our landlord is trying to go to bed?
…And then she met the cat.
Seriously,, does anybody remember crook? Or the landlady? Selkie should be having conversations with those two.
Although this comic is just too good for that sort of interuption, so I should stop complaining. This is an entirely too cute thing to see.
I still wonder how the cat will react to someone who would appear to be 1/2 marine life.
I am just wondering how Silkie will react to the bath tub. Also I wonder if the apartment complex has a pool.
How would she do with a pool? If she’s like an amphibian or a lot of sea creatures, she might breathe through her skin sometimes, and all that bromine and chlorine could be toxic!!!
Your art gets better every day! I can never wait for the next one. I can see lots of possibilities for this and all are awesome. Well… There are a few bad… but you know what I mean.
:3 I love this comic
Thks for the link! I really like how your comic is going looking forward to see how the story progresses.
She’s so cute!
My experience with landlords is that they’re cool with you painting as long as you paint it back again.
She’s been in the house at least a minute, but her shoes aren’t off already? She must be very excited
Aw! Tee-Hee! That’s cute!
Not nessisarily true. A lot of the lanlords in this area (both the large and the small private) don’t mind if you paint a room, so long as you paint it back. My complex says we don’t even have to paint it back since they’re going to re paint anyway.
I guess my former landlord must have been especially difficult; he didn’t even want posters on the wall. Had I asked about repainting a room he probably would’ve exploded.
I had a landlord like that once. White gloves at the move-out inspection, checking for dust on top of the cabinets over the fridge–and said you can patch the pinholes in the wall with toothpaste and then paint over them. Heh heh heh.
I also had the landlord who didn’t care and didn’t fix things. The upstairs neighbors’ bathroom flooded regularly; we had a dripping ceiling in the kitchen for over a year. Landlord said it was our fault and didn’t return the security deposit until the court intervened. White gloves were better.
I guess I’m just lucky then. Or I just complain enough. And having a friend working in the office probably helps too…
I thought she wasn’t emoting enough. The last panel was what I totally expected. I can’t wait to see all the junk she puts in her room. Then the teen years, where she’ll paint, cover in posters, string lights everywhere and have a million stuffed animals that she doesn’t have the heart to get rid of. Good times are ahead.
I admit I’m kinda curious as to what kind of bands Selkie might slap all over her walls…
You forgot to give her a bookshelf.
I had a dream about Selkie the other night! She and Todd were sitting at a long table playing chess, while playing some sort of word game at the same time. It was totally cute!
I thought I’d share. Also, it’s so nice to see Selkie so happy. <3
Oooh, scrabble-chess? That sounds like fun.
Chess and word games sounds fun!
I can’t bELIEVE she hasnt taken off shoes first thing.
Must be really used to having to wear them )=