Just for the record, Crook’s fur isn’t standing on end; he’s just reeaaaallly fluffy.
-EDIT- For those of you who saw the black and white version of this strip already, I colorized it after the fact and WAS going to sneak it in with Thursday’s update under the radar, but it went live despite my telling Comicpress not to do so, sooooo you get it early! Color! Yay!
We have more fanart today! My thanks to DS Higsby and Lily Maldonado for the gorgeous artwork.
These are going right on the Fan Art page. 😀
Just for the record, Crook's fur isn't standing on end; he's just reeaaaallly fluffy. ----- We have more fanart today! My thanks to DS Higsby and Lily Maldonado for the gorgeous artwork.
These are going right on the Fan Art page. :D
I like how he tries to see something in positive in all those kids. I’d be thinking “liar, pyro-in-training, evil mastermind, thief.” I’m terrible….but I know those kids…I know what they’re capable of! *has to be strapped down and put in a strait-jacket where I eventually calm down* Sorry….=]
I dunno, I don’t think “spontaneous” and “pyromaniac” are necessarily exclusive traits. XD
Eila knows!!! well have to go to plan b!…..-looks for plan b-……..crap forgot it!
I wonder how Selkie, who has some vaguely fish-like characteristics, would get along with a cat.
Crook: “I smell TUNA! ATTACK!”
Selkie: “Craps! There’s is a cat ons my face!”
hahahaha na sheds probably be using the cat as a henchmen in her world wide domination.
…..Todd you better get crook away from her NOW!
@Eila; I was thinking the same things about those kids! ROFL!
I’m quite anxious to see how this turns out. I just went back through Todd’s visit to the orphanage … and just noticed that Selkie appear to have wings too! (https://selkiecomic.com/?p=98).
Loves Princess Selkie! Great sketches.
Maybe small dorsals?
well now that’s a surprise i come back real quick to check this page and all the kids are in color! nice touch
Ooooh, shoot! That wasn’t supposed to go live yet. >_< Oh well!
hehehehe sorry just was doing my job on giving you something you’d like! so there ha!
I swear…I was viewing these 8am in the morning today (iPhone) and those kids weren’t colored…
and nice touch on the cat…..my hatred/love for those fat, furry, mobile meatballs is the fact they like to jump on your bellies when you’re inhaling
But you’re missing “Mysterious” 😛
I colored the panel after the fact. So no, you’re not imagining things. 🙂
For my cat, she loves to plunk down right on my keyboard whenever I use my laptop for anything.
Loves the colors panels! Are you going to be doing more of them Dave?
I used to have a cat that loved to push in between me and whatever book I was reading … even it it meant she had to lay on my face.
I am indeed going to do more!
Thats not funny my last name is crook 😛
A typical cat. They would do it to me to get up to feed them in the morning.
I came back to look at this through the link you posted the (atm) most recent comic’s comments.
And all I can say is WOW. You’re art has REALLY improved. I seriously didn’t notice how much it’s changed, aside from going into color and all but…yeah. Guess all that practice really does pay off.
Also, damn. So close.