Scar, like the last time he came to human territory, removes his prosthetic arm and hides his collar for security reasons.
S T Y L E is a side effect.
↓ Transcript
AVERY: We're going to move on to the next phase of today. It's also partly why I wanted the girls to attend.
AVERY: We've managed to get a Specialist to come by to do a full assessment of Amanda, as well as an assessment of Selkie's progress.
TODD: I'm surprised Pohl could get away from the hospital on short notice.
AVERY: He couldn't.
TODD: Oh. so then the "Specialist" has to be...
SCAR: Hello! Happy beautiful day!!
AMANDA: Is THIS the "cyborg"?
AMANDA: Why's he trying to look pretty?
AVERY: We've managed to get a Specialist to come by to do a full assessment of Amanda, as well as an assessment of Selkie's progress.
TODD: I'm surprised Pohl could get away from the hospital on short notice.
AVERY: He couldn't.
TODD: Oh. so then the "Specialist" has to be...
SCAR: Hello! Happy beautiful day!!
AMANDA: Is THIS the "cyborg"?
AMANDA: Why's he trying to look pretty?
Super Pretty Boy mode
Cuz why not, Ananda? Also, he can’t help it if pretty is his default. I really want to know more of how Scar went from “meh, this is life” to “profit, profit profit! Send people to the frenzy for profit!” to reevaluating his life choices and, as mentioned, lead a slave rebellion to where he is now. Scar is proof being a sad, mopey “I destroy everything I touch so I must never be happy cuz I did/do BAD THINGS and it makes me sad now” is a choice. I mean, he doesn’t hide what he did and yes, regrets and emotions are had but ain’t he just a happy ray of sunshine when he can be?
Just like anyone else, he made an effort to look pretty because he feels insecure and wants you to like him. He really really wants you to like him.
I understand hiding the prosthetic, but is his voice somehow normal out of water when it’s so distinctive coming from his voice box underwater?
Also, Amanda is taking this much care than I would have expected.poor kit is probably emotionally and physically exhausted and running on fumes.
That’s a mistake, I’ll have to correct Scars speech bubble later
‘This is being incognito, yes?”
Well he’s just dang fabulous. rocking some serious Vegeta-in-the-pink-shirt vibes
The back of the shirt better say Bad Fish Man…
Do Sarnothi have a different color vision than humans? Their eye structure is different, soooo maybe?
It would explain the tending towards pink in there color choices.
Also maybe cultural. The shimmering snail god I think is pink and purple. Think that one is like polar opposite of Big Dady Eel god.
Ug. All humans can like pink (assuming we weren’t excluding Westernized women as “human”). Many non-Western cultures include pinks and purples in mens’ clothing.
I think it’s most likely cultural — or, perhaps, if it’s a color they’re not easily able to make, they might enjoy having easy access to it (like if people from the pre-blue era went shopping at the modern shopping mall, they’d be grabbing up all the blue and purple items because the dye was rare and expensive at the time).
That said, I do like the idea of a physical/biological distinction making them gravitate toward a specific color or set of colors or color quality.
Speculation, without recalling what’s been said/done/worn in the comic so far:
For pink, since it’s not merely “light red,” possibly they’re more interested in the red-with-blue-in-it combo. Or perhaps it looks unusual to them when they’re not underwater, and underwater it’d be far less interesting.
Also, some animals’ eyes can perceive polarized light (squid, I think, are one). I could see a group of aliens who had preferences for certain types of polarization that humans couldn’t make out but which equated to certain products in patterns that humans *could* make out.
Also, perhaps the Sarnothi make associations between colors and religious significance, clans, personalities, or temperature changes.
Todd. Todd. Todd. Do not crank butt. Andi’s panicking, and if she sees you don’t trust him, she’s likely not going to either. Play nice, you promised you would, so that we can actually learn what’s going on.
I don’t remember: Selkie walked in on Todd and Pohl talking about how Scar and her mother got into a fight; but did Selkie miss the part about him being her father? Or did she hear that too? Can’t find the page it was on now
I do not believe she caught on, she only thought about how he tried to take her mother to jail.
Theeeeeeeeeen again…her nightmare… I think she might know, but doesn’t want to mention it.
As ever Dave, well done! A young adult thinks very differently from a war veteran, very differently than a retiree. People are friends not fodder! (Nor grist for the mill.)
A real man can wear pink and still be secure in his masculinity.
Scar might be looking like that today, so as, to not frighten the human child.
In the words of a famous bard, “Only Real Men Wear Pink.”
Yes. Thank you.