Wingmom. WingMOM. Benny, you had one job.
↓ Transcript
Todd: Well, sweetie, you had a good time?
Selkie: Yeahs!
Selkie: This visits was a lot ofs fun! Even ifs it did haves less eel-punching.
Todd: I, for one, approve of the lack of eels.
Benny: Grr...
Carrie: I-It's okays, Benny. M-Maybe whens we get home, you c-cans takes real dance lessons?
Carrie: Ke Ban's m-mother has already s-saids yes...
Benny: Mom! Did you wingman me?!
Carrie: I o-only wants happy memories f-fors you.
Selkie: Yeahs!
Selkie: This visits was a lot ofs fun! Even ifs it did haves less eel-punching.
Todd: I, for one, approve of the lack of eels.
Benny: Grr...
Carrie: I-It's okays, Benny. M-Maybe whens we get home, you c-cans takes real dance lessons?
Carrie: Ke Ban's m-mother has already s-saids yes...
Benny: Mom! Did you wingman me?!
Carrie: I o-only wants happy memories f-fors you.
A side perk to Carrie's "soft-spoken" text style, is I can fit more dialogue in her bubbles.
lol carrie is awesome
I love Carrie so much! <3
I have to wonder if maybe the Ke family appreciated the chutzpah that Benny displayed by asking them both out.
Benny’s so surprised he regressed to where his markings disappeared
I’m still intensely curious as to who the other young sarnothi was in the flashback of Behn Sr.’s death. A cousin, maybe? Or was there another lost member of the family?
Little sister, more than likely. Personal theory: She was probably lost when they took our most of Selkie’s clan and thus why they left.
Carrie is once again the greatest!
I don’t know if it’s been brought up or not, but has Carrie always had a stutter or did she develop it due to the trauma?
Moms gonna meddle,
shippers gonna ship.
Characters gonna care,
and I love this strip.
Burma Shave.
[golf clap]
dude you got wing momed…. Todd was NOT a bro in helping you out.