The little woodcutter’s girl and the Three Bears joined forces against Big Bad Evil. —– Got another fanart to share! DSHigsby made a real life version of Sai Fen’s Maiden and the Eel statue: Thank you so much for making[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The theme song of Goldilocks: Bear Rider is two minutes of speed metal layered with real bear growls.
Gotta confess something, this bit was originally going to be more Selkmanda bickering, but a couple comics back somebody made mention of Amanda’s propensity for motion sickness and it hit me: she gotta puke. Sorry, Bounce House Employees I Refuse[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
See also: Hork, Hwarf, Bworrgh, and Yyyynghhughhllllll
Just a reminder, Andi has not yet been told certain things. Reference: Also, just in case there are those unfamiliar with the Bible who may not get the last panel: Andi is referring to the Book of Revelation,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And lo, a great beast did fall from the sky, a fury of steel and flame crashing upon the land. It stood upon many legs, brandishing a different weapon in it's many arms. Astride this beast, mounting it with the ease of a conquering warlord, stood The Destroyer. The Herald of the Apocalypse. The Destroyer spoke in a mighty voice, which flew across the land in a peal of thunder that all may hear and witness the great proclamation: "BASKS IN THE GLORY OFS DOCTOR TERRORHAMMER!!"