Just a quick heads-up, but I’m going to have to skip the Wednesday update this week. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I’ll be back Friday with the next strip!
2054 comics.
Selkie has not watched super accurate television.
Three strips in, I realize Andi's purse is on the wrong side. She's LEFT handed, but that purse is slung right-handed. >_<
Panel 2's original dialogue was funnier to me, but made no sense in context: "Dads, permissions to unleash Hells?" "Nei Li Selkie Smith, there will be no unleashing Hell."
Someone done got called out.
Meeting over. – – – – – Theresa sent me another fan art piece, and I’d love to share it with everyone! Thanks Theresa!
Sometimes i can't think of commentary text.
I’m feeling a little under the weather, so I’m going to go to bed early and finish the colors in the morning. Sorry for the delay, folks.
I think getting busted by Nathaniel is running through Todd's mind right now, but I chose not to do a flashback to that because it would've needed to be shoehorned in pretty hard.
Todd's been a parent for a bit under four months by this point in the story, I doubt he even thought about how the situation would look.
Todd’s turn – – – – – Fan Art update! I received two drawings from Zippy Kitsune: First is a drawing of Amanda: And this is an original character of hers, a sarnothi warrior: Thank you for sending these, Zippy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Pretty big script change for this strip. Originally had Amanda making fun of Selkie for (presumedly) being in trouble due to a Parent/Teacher Meeting, but after thinking about it while penciling it made more sense to me that with all the info running around her head she'd take the opportunity to ask Todd some of her questions early.
Original panel two dialogue was, "Yeah yeah, I know, I'm bad". But I couldn't decide if it read like "misbehaved" or "bad-ass" in tone.
Stone Fox was written in 1980 and used as reading material when I was about the girl's age (I'm 33). I doubt it's still in circulation in modern curricula, but durnit I'm using it.