I picked up Saints Row 4 on the Steam holiday sale and love the craziness. I also love the character creator… President Selkie in 2016 ya’ll. This strip finishes the Big Ol’ Infodump story line. We’ll see the De’Madieas again[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There's some pretty big continuity errors here that I didn't catch in time to fix (or if I did go back to fix them it would delay the comic to the point of a skipped update). Lets make a Where's Waldo game of it instead.
Today’s strip was a little bit late because I got too distracted training my five-year-old girl to summon elemental primals instead of rainbow-squirrels. Also got a Fanart post to share today! This image was drawn by Lucheek in an art[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Pohl puts the "magi" in "magitech". I wanted to close out the De'Madiea family's appearance with something unique that Todd and Selkie couldn't necessarily see/hear, but not something that ended the arc on a huge plot-related WHAM note like the "last of her clan's survivors" exposition from the hospital scene.
Happy 2014 Selkie readers! (Actually I am posting this a few hours early, so it may be 2013 still as you read this. Early strip to celebrate. XD) It’s been another great year, and I am looking forward to many[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sarnothi religion includes the concept of a dual-spirit. There is a spirit-self which is comparable to the idea of a "soul", but also a second spirit (a separate entity entirely) that serves as a bridge between the corporeal and spiritual worlds. Pluralized word forms are commonly used to address both a person's spirit-self and their spirit-bridge counterpart simultaneously, to avoid disrespecting one or the other.
Since, like… ALWAYS, Selkie. (For this installment of Poor Time Management Theater, I may focus on trying to make Wednesdays strip on-time then go back to this one later.)
I'd ask how many people had wondered about where Selkie's speech patterns come from, but I am afraid the amount of affirmative responses would crash the comments server.
I was almost going to do a Christmas Filler instead of the next strip in line, partially because I feel really “tempting fate”-y about doing this particular subject on Christmas Day, but I instead chose to keep with my tradition[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Voice of Clan Jin’Sorai is fit to give me nightmares.
At the round table you can see the Voice (a leadership position which leads in-Clan matters) of the Mor'Kama, Tel'Dora, Jin'Sorai, and Sar'Teri (clockwise from top). Jin'Sorai and Mor'Kama are easiest to tell apart; Jin'Sorai are generally light blues and violet skin tones, and have a tendency for green eyes. Mor'Kama are pale greeny-yellow with coal-black hair, and do not develop body markings. Tel'Dora and Sar'Teri can look similar at a glance, but Sar'Teri generally have darker forest-green or olive-green skin tones; their markings are lighter in tone than the rest of their skin, and develop in geometric tendencies. Tel'Dora are a light green-gray to aqua and have stripe-patterned markings.
I feel super awkward making this strip the weekender. Also, the arrow key navigation bug with the comment box should be fixed now. Let me know if you still see issues.
The Clan of Laborers and Peacemakers (Sarnoth's law enforcement body) are also the Clan with the most control over industry, finances, and other resources.