I figure the wall of text expo-speak deserves to be placed in front of a gigantic literal wall. 😉
The writer of the Dawngate Chronicles, as part of Waystone Game's "sharing all of our behind the scenes stuff since the game is being shut down" shared a PDF file with the community that showed his scripts for all of the Dawngate Chronicles strips to date. Reading his scripts and how he described things for his artist really inspired me and I decided to give that a go for myself. Up until now I've worked out the dialogue for each strip on-the-fly from my outlines and the notes I've written down for key story points, but for this one I wrote it out in a proper script format before drawing. It really helped a lot.
For the record, the proper pronunciations are Jin’Sorai, Tel’Dora, and Mor’Kama. Todd was close, kinda.
Some readers may recall a previous Secret Commentary where I mentioned the word "kransa" in the "kransa bi cholek" cuss word Selkie's thrown out intermittently meant "teeth". "Teeth and Scales" is the translation of the entire phrase. It's an invective, a dire insult, and very very rude to say; it's also a fairly common "anger phrase", comparable to the F-Word in English. It references a darker member of the Sarnothi spirit pantheon, Kehl Nin Fa Tho. He's associated with doom and destruction and takes the form of a school of spectral trout with translucent ribs violet eyes and rending teeth.
We can rule shoes, ships, sealing wax, cabbages, kings, and boiling seas from the discussion; pig wings may be up for grabs. -edited because I mis-remembered the line-
Dialogue from panel 5 excised for brevity: Brown: ...You KNOW I mean Selkie. Be more subtle about phishing for information, Todd. It would have gone along with other dialogue/body language intended to imply Todd was trying to covertly find out information about the sarnothi. Again, cut for brevity.
If only you hadn’t been mischievous, Selkie dear… I’m not sure if the phrase “pleading the fifth” may be an obscure reference for my non-American readers or not. Just in case: it refers to the 5th amendment of the American[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was going to give Agent Brown mussd-up/uncombed hair for his "civilian attire" look like Todd gets, but in initial sketches it looked too much like fwoopy boy-band hair.
Well, she DID say to make her. Also, I’ve submitted Selkie for consideration in Comic Chamelon. If you would like to see Selkie become a part of the app, requesting it’s inclusion would go a long way towards helping that.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Excised a two-to-three panel sequence of Todd methodically and deliberately unbuckling Selkie's seatbelt for brevity's sake.
Due to airport hiccups (and forgetting to bring my tablet to Reno) I’m afraid I have just one more “Dave is On the Road But Wants to Keep Story Progression Rolling” Art-Lite update today. Back at full power Wednesday. (Also,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sorry for the late update. Got my timezones crossed. As I mentioned on Wednesday, this is an “art-lite” update since I’m out of town to hit SNAFU-Con. Regular strips should resume monday!