Ta Sai Tho is the patron deity of Clan Tel'Dora. Then is saying "leaves" because Ta Sai Tho takes the form of a coil of aquatic plants constantly moving against the currents.
And now we get to the reveal of one of the Selkie story’s longest kept secrets: their apartment building is horsehoe-shaped! Dun dun duunnnn!
The building is laid out with three units per floor. the A and C apartments sit in the wings and are full-size with kitchen bath living area and two bedrooms. The B apartments in the center of the horseshoe are smaller units with only one bedroom and a half-kitchen that rent at a lower price.
I’m counting a lack of blinding people with venom as a Christmas Miracle. ;P -EDIT- Made some post-release modifications to the strip. The changelog is as follows: Modified lighting in Panel 1 Fixed consistency issue with Todd’s collar Added texturing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Long ago, the four players all lived in harmony. But everything changed when Marta attacked. Only Theo, master of all four railroads, could stop her. (I am going to take Monday off for the Christmas holiday folks, so please have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…