Posts Tagged Todd
Two things. First, Fan Art update! Ellie drew me another fanart over the weekend, a Pants drawing just in time for Halloween!!! Secondly, I wanna talk briefly about reader feedback. Couple strips ago, I decided to try adding some hatching[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Or at least to scare people off from taking the register that just opened when you’ve been waiting three times as long gas they have. —– Fanart piece today! Saokara drew an OC sarnothi expressing some… *frustration* with Gien. Thanks!
Wound cleaned, bleeding stopped. Prosthetics discussed… —— Snafucon was a blast! It’s my second time attending, and I’m already looking forward to number three. 😀 Wanna say thank you again to Jade Griffin and Trevor Black of Shards ( for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…