When flower turns to poison ivy ↓ TranscriptMINA: Okay Class, we're going to be having a special treat for lunch today. MINA (VO): One of us is having a birthday celebration today, and she's treating the class to pizza. JESSIE:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Keisha
Universal word ↓ TranscriptTE FAHN: Um, I'm sorry, buts… what's a "bridesmaid"? KEISHA: They stand around and look pretty. TEHK: What? Who told them they're "pretty"? MINA: Tehk! That is inexcuseable. SELKIE: Murder? AMANDA: Murder. SELKIE AND AMANDA: MURDER!!! MINA:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For those who may not have seen the Twitter or Discord updates, my Facebook Account got hacked over the weekend. I still need to regain access, but until further notice be cautious of anything that comes from my or the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s been a really long few minutes since we saw you! ↓ TranscriptGeorge: So… I dunno, you wanna tell the others about this or… Keisha: Naw. I’ll be okay. And I don’t wanna be starting drama, you know? Selkie (VO):[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Our girl at the corner. ↓ TranscriptChanelle: Wait, so you're mad about their parents? Keisha: Ugh. Kinda. Chanelle: Then tell them that. They won't know if you don't! Chanelle: They're your friends. You can tell them if they're hurting your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There it be ↓ TranscriptChanelle: "Worse"? Keisha, are you okay? You NEVER make fun of me like that. Keisha: I'm sorry. Keisha: I'm just mad at my other friends for being stupid. George: Same. Chanelle: Oh! Well, that's easy to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chanelle is referencing the logic puzzle Theseus and the Minotaur. She loves this stuff. ↓ TranscriptKeisha: Wait, George, YOU'RE mad, too? George: Uuuh, YEAH. Duh. George: "Oooh, lookit us, look at AAALLL the stuff our new PARENTS are doing, we're[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Samesies. ↓ TranscriptGeorge: Hey, Keisha! Keisha: George? Why'd you follow me? George: I, uh… I don't really know, honestly? Gorge: Sorry if I'm interrupting you and Jill. Keisha: OH. Oh, uh… yeah, Jill isn't even… uh… Keisha: Ugh… Jill's not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…