The refreshment attendants, Brad (glasses with poofy hair) and Sammy (mohawk and stretched ear lobes) are from one of my really early attempts at a webcomic project about four roomates in a college dorm. It was pretty bad, so it's not online anymore. Just mentioning it for trivia.
I thought using another webcomic as the TV show Amanda was watching would be fun, so I asked my friend Jade Griffin if I could appropriate a couple of her strips from the comic she does alongside her husband Trevor[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Amanda is eating a pink strawberry-flavored cereal that may or may not have Frankenstein's Monster as a mascot.
Hiatus OVER! Selkie is back in regular production, folks, and we’re kicking off a new storyline. 😀 Thank you once again to everyone who submitted guest strips during the hiatus, I greatly appreciated the time off for buffer time and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Jenny last appeared in strip #420 ( ). She's Andi's friend, and the owner of the gallery space where Andi has been setting up her exhibit.
Andi’s been busy, albiet mostly off-camera. I got to thinking, with assistance from reader feedback, that since I am more and more frequently posting “beta” versions of the strips for short periods before finalizing them, and at times the reader[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Andi's tattoo list now includes hearts and clovers. I think maybe horseshoes or blue moons should be next. And to get that Gilgamesh tattoo completed.
Andi’s last appearance was another short check-in a bit over a year ago in real-time. She’s been sitting on the backburner over the last year, sadly.
If anyone asks Andi whether the irreparable damage to those pumps as a result of being wrenched into drywall is representative of some aspect of the work as a whole, I hope to god she has a good answer for that because I do not. And yet, I would totally ask that question. XD
Amanda’s displeasure face makes me laugh. I also have an addition to the Ancillary Art page. A seating chart for Selkie’s class I made for reference: The three “devil orphan” kids are in this class, coincidentally (ha ha). The girl[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don't yet know much about Chanelle, but apparently she loves math!