I think plummeting helplessly must be one of the oldest things in dream… lore? Dream icons? Dream things? *shrug* New Fan Art update today, inspired by the dream sequence, by Jade Griffin: Thanks Jade! I have also updated the cast[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tried to make the shadows and texturing on this one a little darker than the previous "desert landscape" backgrounds. I also think it's kind of funny how panel three could be interpreted as Selkie running away from an action movie explosion.
Two items. First, I want to say to those of my readers that live in the UK, I hope that you and those you care about are safe and unharmed while these riots have been breaking out. I was reading[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For a brief time I considered having the centaurinas call their dance the Paul Pena, but that would imply Selkie knows about him, and it doesn't fit to me that an eight year old would know who Paul Pena is. I may be overthinking this a bit. ._. For those that don't get the reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioT_1zxsYME http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dnGj5YF8F0
Oh man, I had a busy busy weekend. My cousin got married this weekend! Congrats, Korie and Adam! I’d also like to name drop something, if I may. My aunt is working on a start-up business designing and selling non-piercing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Before I settled on the concept of ballerina centaurs Amanda Keisha and Heather were, at one point, going to be magical wizard-knights dressed like Sailor Moon villains.
This is the end of the Return to the Orphanage mini-arc. Hope you all had fun getting re-acquainted with Selkie’s various friends, enemies, and in-betweens. There are two more strips left before we start the next long Chapter story though;[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I can't read Keisha's last line of dialog without laughing.
My rule of thumb for Amanda is that she is a jerk and a bully, but she’s also an eight year old kid. When you’re that young, you feel things a lot more intensely than you do as a grown[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Writing Amanda (even sad-face Amanda) makes me think back to my own childhood bullies. My curiosity got the better of me and I looked up my middle school bully on Facebook while drawing this strip. Apparently the kid who shoved me around so much I had to go to counseling is now a medic in the U.S. Army.
I am now back in town from my trip to Florida. We visited my brother’s future in-laws (they’re very nice people who treated us like family the entire time, stuffed us to the gills with food, and gave us mangos[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Thought I'd try a two-part shading style on the background this time around. See how it works.
I like to think the orphanage staff disabled the game system’s wireless capabilities. On-line gamer chatter is not a thing youngin’s need to hear. Slightly related! I got curious and looked up XBox Live clips on Youtube. I think this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Cabbage Patch Commandos is a kid-friendly homage to Team Fortress 2. Instead of bullets and blowing up, you have carrot juice and fainting, and the pyro's fire is more like cartoon fire, where you just go "BOMPH" and turn into a burnt matchstick with blinking eyes.
It’s been awhile since we saw the Activity Center. I tried to make it look more lively than it’s last appearance. Color helps! I am going out of town for a bit starting this Wednesday. But never fear! I have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
My brother and I use to solve a lot of intellectual and philosophical disputes (also who got Controller 1 when playing Sega) by roughhousing until someone quit or Mom grounded us.
Amanda has yet to make the Sparkly Eyes work on Lillian. – – – – – If you don’t already read Jade Griffin and Trevor Black’s webcomic Shards, today is a great day to start! I’ve been informed that Selkie[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I got the idea for Hamud while watching news footage of the revolution and riots in Egypt this past winter, following the regime change. I don't mean to suggest this as his in-story origin, but it is his real-world inspiration. If that makes sense. Lillian's qi pao was designed after a few google searches. I love asymmetrical clothing designs, and I wanted something different from the kimonos she wore as the last two outfits we saw.