Posts Tagged Amanda
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Amanda's bedroom being the same dark-ish red as the rest of the apartment didn't fit her, so she and Andi did a paint job. Don't tell the landlord.
I like sometimes to give the impression the cast does stuff off-panel.
Anyone who throws a spitball gets Pantsed.
Sarnothi hibernatory response to cold will probably kick in after too much exposure. They’re moving from temperature to temperature gradually enough to avoid a crash like Selkie’s experienced and they’re heading… somewhere, but their uptime in this sort of weather[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think, inwardly, Amanda is quietly regretting some of the "fish" cracks right now.
Long hike. -EDIT- my favorite piece of feedback on this strip so far: “….. I wanna hit you really really hard in the head with a brick right now.”
VERY long hike.
Hair themed night, lets watch Sweeney Todd next!
To answer some questions from yesterday: Todd was in the kitchen cooking, and Amanda wasn’t watching TV or playing her handheld because she was feeling grumpy and self-pitying and was having a bit of a wallow.
Tentacle Party Summer Camp is a cartoon, it's probably fine.
Had to do some last minute tweaking to this one because originally Todd had dialogue talking to Amanda from off-screen, but I realized after re-reading it that her dialogue "felt" better if she didn't realize she was thinking out loud. Not that big of an apartment, though.
Pohl is probably the Spock in this analogy anyway.