Though I expected Andi to show up with urn in hand and Amanda going, mom why does that have my name on it? Personally glad she did not find out about things this way.
Yeah and the fact that her first response is to literally drop everything and run towards her child’s scream shows that she has more parental instincts than she thought she had.
That’d be very painful to explain. As much as I want Andi to come clean,I think it’d be best when Amanda’s in a healthier place. Like anger at least somewhat under control.
I don’t think her seeing the urn would actually be bad. It only would have been bad earlier, if she had seen the entire conversation. But the urn itself? She already knows they thought she was dead. What would it hurt for her to see physical proof of the fact that her family never forgot or stopped caring about her? If she asks about the ashes inside, they could say that they were ‘part of the mixup at the hospital’, not break the whole truth right then and there. That one is going to be a LONG time coming.
Ok,yeah. Good point. Hopefully we see this when she’s much older and able to fully get it. And also have some mediators for it as well. I don’t want her to be hating her Mom. It’d be too sad.
The most fun I have ever done is roll into a ball, have my niece latch onto me, then start standing up as she hangs off my neck and stomp around the apartment chasing the dog as we both make monster noises. We can’t do that now, but it was too much fun to be allowed.
I didn’t get dizzy very easily for most of my life.
For the last couple of months, though, I can get dizzy just turning my head too quickly. No idea why. (Seriously, I’ve had it happen at a stop sign while checking for traffic.)
You might have Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, I suggest looking it up and seeing if the symptoms fit. If it is then there’s a chance it can be cured with a series of head movements
I have two vertigos. When it is inner ear, I look at me feet and quickly jerk my head up and to the side to look over my shoulder a few times. It breaks up calcium crystals that form in my ear.
I’ve never had problems with vertigo otherwise, I just get nauseous on things that spin reasonably fast. I can usually do a standard carousel because of the speed and size, but a ride like Dumbo or heaven forbid the Teacups at Disneyland and I’m outta there!
As for your dizziness problem, could be inner ear related, possibly a low grade infection or a condition like Minieres Disease (don’t worry it’s not fatal or anything)
All that tension, build up, suspense and dread, and we get uncle Annie giving a most extreme ride in the middle of the living room.
Fun side note: if the ashes aren’t going to be spread it’s common for urns to be sealed, so what happened there doesn’t happen (you can never get grandpa out of the carpet, no matter how hard you try [postemptive apology if that got a bit too dark, but it’s late & I’m tired so lightly off-color jokes come out a bit easier])
If ashes are meant to be spread they typically come in a heatsealed bag in a cardboard box. This is how my Dad was delivered.
Generally the urn is sealed by the funeral home; in the case of Andi they apparently bought the urn and filled it with ashes from the fireplace themselves, so it is doubtful the urn was sealed.
Let’s face it, it is all likely a thermos that got spray painted and they stuck an engraved plaque on it. But at least it keeps cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot. Most urns on the commercial market cannot say that.
Thermoses don’t have to “know” whether to keep things hot or cold. Two things of different temperatures will try to become equal with each other. If it’s a small container of coffee in a big room, this will result in the little container losing its heat to the room and getting colder. If it’s ice water, it will absorb hear from the room and warm up to room temperature. What a thermos does is prevent the exchange of heat from taking place.
Unless you mean, “how does the thermos know the atrocities which have been committed,” and the answer is… No dark secret can be hidden forever.
REALLY glad that this didn’t take a dark turn and have Amanda freaking out about the urn with her name on it… that wouldn’t be a very Christmasy story. Even in September.
I do wonder that if Andi getting worried like that might help show to Mari that she is ready to be a mother now. She was scared when she was pregnant and felt she wasn’t ready to be a parent( ) but she found Amanda because she didn’t stop thinking about her. Not that she doesn’t deserve the grief she’s getting but Todd’s parents haven’t heard her side of the story yet. We heard it through the flashbacks and when Andi talked with her mother, but they at least owe it to her to listen to what she has to say, because it’s very clear that not once did anyone ask what she thought and what she wanted to do when she was pregnant. She could have spoken up about it herself, but… well she does lack confidence, so speaking up when she was in a vulnerable condition like that was probably pretty difficult too, especially since postpartum depression can occur during pregnancy.
Not gonna sugarcoat it here: Andi fucked up. BIG TIME. Even I can clearly see that. She doesn’t even deny that she deserves the grief she’s been getting. But it takes two to tango.
She’s shown herself to be an amazing mom so far. Every parent slips up at times, Todd has too, and if she’s worried just by Amanda’s scream? That’s a step in the right direction with parenthood.
Everything will take time though.
(Hope my comment makes sense… I’m pretty tired at the moment.)
I really liked your reply coco. Its a lot of how i have been feeling reading the comic and my feelings towards Andi. Your right about the sepression too. Thank you so much for the links cause I’ve been wanting to reread that too. Right now i have wondered the parents reaction when Andi first told them she was pregnant.
ok, now that the drama is over, go and clean up those ashes andi and make the urn disappear, before the kids see it and start asking questions you sure as hell don´t want to answer!
“Oh thank God. I thought that was a ‘drama scream'”
Not sure if this was the intent with that line, and my strong dislike of Andi may be playing in to my interpretation but to me that certainly takes the wind out of the sails of the brief “Oh Andi is worried about her daughter being hurt, good motherly instinct” reaction I had.
I noticed this before. Andi has a tendency to just blurt out the first thing that comes to her mind, like she doesn’t yet have the filters most adults develop. It’s why she’ll make totally inappropriate comments in face of an angry Mari, or why she went off on Heather’s dad when he confronted her about Amanda’s bullying. It’s just another sign of her not having matured fully yet, I think.
As much as I hate to admit it, I kinda like “Drama Scream”. I have heard those and made those far too many times but never had the right words. So yes, hate Andi, but gotta give her credit for that one.
It changes from “oh no I thought my daughter was in trouble” to “oh no I thought there was an incident happening”. Again, I fully admit i predisposed to judge Andi harshly, but I still think its not exactly the best reaction for Andi to have if we are to believe she’s turned over a new leaf.
I am willing to give Andi some leeway here only because I have similar issues. Yesterday, I was trying to comfort my mother in law who was crying over her daughter (my sister in law) getting married because she felt like she was losing a daughter that she truly wasn’t. I don’t remember exactly what I said or how it came out, but I got the vague impression that I either implied spousal abuse or that her daughter was some kind of a shrew. Whatever was said, it looked to only confuse and upset her further, so I apologized and focused on the gaining a son and grandchildren aspect, and she seemed happier for it.
You can’t always know how panic instincts will “kick in;” I’m not a mom and never can be, but I’ve got a 2-year-old niece in whose care I’m pretty involved. Recently when I was watching her she bumped her head and fell down more than once. My sister (my niece’s mom) and my own mom, as well as the pediatrician during my niece’s regular check-up, all said that my niece is growing like a weed and is having some trouble negotiating her new height and weight, hence she will bump into things and maybe fall down sometimes. (This is apparently very common for children in her age range and my niece is FINE and healthy!) Yet at the time I was crying almost as hard as my niece and apologizing right and left, including to inanimate objects like the wall she bumped into.
Ergo, Andi’s response may be simple relief or a way to “minimize” how scared she really was. When I talked to my mom about my niece bumping her head while I was watching her, she said she had *never* heard me that upset about anything. I didn’t even realize I sounded that upset; I thought I was talking perfectly calmly. Again, don’t discount the strange ways in which people respond to panic, especially when they are panicking about someone about whom they care deeply.
Moving on, I think this is VERY good for both Amanda and Selkie! They are having a fun experience together as family members. I really think one of the major themes of this narrative is that “family” can mean a WHOLE lot of things. And that sometimes people can “earn” their way into your family (like maybe Andi and Amanda) but, ultimately, accepting people into your life and family can possibly have very positive outcomes.
(I apologize, Dave, if I am misstating your intentions about your work; this is just my interpretation as a reader!)
wording may be a bit off putting there but I think it’s also one of the limits of the medium here. Tone of voice can tell people a lot even just in screams. It does take time to get to know the difference between certain kinds, but at least from my experience pain based screams are distinctive in tone enough that no matter what you can tell the person screaming is hurting. Whereas drama scream, fun scream, and scared scream all tend to fall into the ‘learned over time’ category.
I could be wrong but that’s my guess on this is that she knew it wasn’t a pained scream and if it was something to truly fear it’d be more then Amanda reacting with everyone out there. Which cuts it down to either drama or fun. Granted did she consciously think all that through? probably not. However, even though I dislike Andi at this time and feel her actions and reactions are usually poor, they are usually quick. I don’t think I’ve seen her freeze up when confronted with an issue. So clearly she assesses things quickly enough to make that decision.
Now to quickly and discretely head back to the kitchen, sweep up the ashes on the floor, hide the urn in a bag or something before anyone else sees it, and sneak it out to the car so I can figure out what to do with it later.
I think the “drama scream” remark is to cover up and minimize the true panic and concern she felt. Now that it turns out it was nothing, she doesn’t want to look like she was overreacting.
Not really covering up. It’s not aimed at creating an impression with onlookers. It’s just a sigh of relief after a bad moment of genuine fear.
Let’s not forget Amanda’s touchiness. As we’ve seen earlier, Andi had been worried that Amanda might fly into a rage or do something else to alienate her father’s side of the family. Her fear was mostly fear OF an Amanda meltdown which would need immediate Mom intervention. So, that’s why her spontaneous relief was that it wasn’t a ‘drama scream’.
What I am wondering is, how is Mari going to respond to this incident? That was an authentic, “My child sounds like she is hurt or in danger, drop everything and run!” moment. A second ago she’d been in tears, admitting she knew how horrible she was. But, Amanda in danger? Rescue NOW, self-abasement later.
And none of it was false or put on. It was instant reaction. It was a genuine Parent reaction.
That’s got to earn her at least a few points in Mari’s eyes.
The fact that she sleeps on the couch so Amanda can have her own bed and bedroom should be worth quite a few points too. She’s putting Amanda’s needs before her own, which many people think she’s incapable of. Andi is very much a reactive person, true, but she’s also pretty true to her feelings I think.
More of a, ‘she may have screwed up royally, but at least she does love Amanda and is trying very hard to be a good mom and make amends’ sort of thing?
The “Trying to make amends” bit they’re okay with.
The “Attempts to reinsert herself into everyone’s life as if nothing happened” bits, not so much, especially when she essentially uses “Amanda needs her family” as an emotional crowbar to get her way.
Between her initial overtures at Todd during the revelation scene at the aquarium and this, she’s on Strike Two already.
This reminded me of that page where Amanda got sick from spinning around and Andi said her grandfather got motion-sick easily. I wonder if that was a one time thing or a recurring thing and we’ll see it in the next page.
You know, Andi’s messed up big time with this, but the fact that she hears her daughter screaming and “immediately” runs for her says that for all her fears of being a bad mother, she’s doing something right.
You know, Andi’s messed up big time in her life, but the fact that she hears her daughter screaming and “immediately” runs for her says that for all her fears of being a bad mother, she’s doing something right.
I thought it it’s something like this. XD
Though I expected Andi to show up with urn in hand and Amanda going, mom why does that have my name on it? Personally glad she did not find out about things this way.
Yeah, I figured the ‘drop everything and run’ instinct would end with her literally dropping and running…
Yeah and the fact that her first response is to literally drop everything and run towards her child’s scream shows that she has more parental instincts than she thought she had.
Aww. This is too cute. :3
I wonder if Mari’ll make her clean up the ashes. :/ I kinda would just do it and dump the urn to avoid more stuff.
Agreed! Do not like that urn sitting there!
Also ash is just so uncomfortable to walk on in socks. XD
Vacuum up the ashes, hock the urn, use money for family therapy.
I dunno. Who would want a fake urn made outta crappy metal? XD
At least toss the urn. It’d really suck for Amanda to find it.
That’d be very painful to explain. As much as I want Andi to come clean,I think it’d be best when Amanda’s in a healthier place. Like anger at least somewhat under control.
I don’t think her seeing the urn would actually be bad. It only would have been bad earlier, if she had seen the entire conversation. But the urn itself? She already knows they thought she was dead. What would it hurt for her to see physical proof of the fact that her family never forgot or stopped caring about her? If she asks about the ashes inside, they could say that they were ‘part of the mixup at the hospital’, not break the whole truth right then and there. That one is going to be a LONG time coming.
Ok,yeah. Good point. Hopefully we see this when she’s much older and able to fully get it. And also have some mediators for it as well. I don’t want her to be hating her Mom. It’d be too sad.
Okay, color me impressed. Doing that with TWO eight year olds? Best uncle ever!
i tried doing this with my younger reletives, and their parents were very vocally against it lol
That DOES look kinda dangerous o_O
The most fun I have ever done is roll into a ball, have my niece latch onto me, then start standing up as she hangs off my neck and stomp around the apartment chasing the dog as we both make monster noises. We can’t do that now, but it was too much fun to be allowed.
Even looking at this makes me nauseous! Glad the girls are enjoying it though.
I didn’t get dizzy very easily for most of my life.
For the last couple of months, though, I can get dizzy just turning my head too quickly. No idea why. (Seriously, I’ve had it happen at a stop sign while checking for traffic.)
You might have Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, I suggest looking it up and seeing if the symptoms fit. If it is then there’s a chance it can be cured with a series of head movements
I have two vertigos. When it is inner ear, I look at me feet and quickly jerk my head up and to the side to look over my shoulder a few times. It breaks up calcium crystals that form in my ear.
When it is migraine, the best I can do is wait.
I’ve never had problems with vertigo otherwise, I just get nauseous on things that spin reasonably fast. I can usually do a standard carousel because of the speed and size, but a ride like Dumbo or heaven forbid the Teacups at Disneyland and I’m outta there!
As for your dizziness problem, could be inner ear related, possibly a low grade infection or a condition like Minieres Disease (don’t worry it’s not fatal or anything)
This is a problem with your middle ear, probably vertigo
Go to an audiologist.
Lol. Just: lol.
All that tension, build up, suspense and dread, and we get uncle Annie giving a most extreme ride in the middle of the living room.
Fun side note: if the ashes aren’t going to be spread it’s common for urns to be sealed, so what happened there doesn’t happen (you can never get grandpa out of the carpet, no matter how hard you try [postemptive apology if that got a bit too dark, but it’s late & I’m tired so lightly off-color jokes come out a bit easier])
Man that would be the most gut wrenching moment. I’m glad I was wrong and she’s just playing.
If ashes are meant to be spread they typically come in a heatsealed bag in a cardboard box. This is how my Dad was delivered.
Generally the urn is sealed by the funeral home; in the case of Andi they apparently bought the urn and filled it with ashes from the fireplace themselves, so it is doubtful the urn was sealed.
It probably wasn’t. I mean Andi probably didn’t have a ton of money or any and just winged it. Which is kinda sad.
Good point. Now I’m back to wondering if her mother *was* involved and got the engraved urn
Let’s face it, it is all likely a thermos that got spray painted and they stuck an engraved plaque on it. But at least it keeps cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot. Most urns on the commercial market cannot say that.
But… how does it KNOW?
Thermoses don’t have to “know” whether to keep things hot or cold. Two things of different temperatures will try to become equal with each other. If it’s a small container of coffee in a big room, this will result in the little container losing its heat to the room and getting colder. If it’s ice water, it will absorb hear from the room and warm up to room temperature. What a thermos does is prevent the exchange of heat from taking place.
Unless you mean, “how does the thermos know the atrocities which have been committed,” and the answer is… No dark secret can be hidden forever.
Thank you. I pretty much have a basic idea of how thermodynamics works. But the punchline is still funny.
Well don’t forget, that’s not a real urn. So the storage of the ashes is… less than standard.
Accedental cannon coverage XD
It *looked* like a real urn, and you *can* buy them mail-order, so I figured it was the real thing, just not sealed.
REALLY glad that this didn’t take a dark turn and have Amanda freaking out about the urn with her name on it… that wouldn’t be a very Christmasy story. Even in September.
I do wonder that if Andi getting worried like that might help show to Mari that she is ready to be a mother now. She was scared when she was pregnant and felt she wasn’t ready to be a parent( ) but she found Amanda because she didn’t stop thinking about her. Not that she doesn’t deserve the grief she’s getting but Todd’s parents haven’t heard her side of the story yet. We heard it through the flashbacks and when Andi talked with her mother, but they at least owe it to her to listen to what she has to say, because it’s very clear that not once did anyone ask what she thought and what she wanted to do when she was pregnant. She could have spoken up about it herself, but… well she does lack confidence, so speaking up when she was in a vulnerable condition like that was probably pretty difficult too, especially since postpartum depression can occur during pregnancy.
Not gonna sugarcoat it here: Andi fucked up. BIG TIME. Even I can clearly see that. She doesn’t even deny that she deserves the grief she’s been getting. But it takes two to tango.
She’s shown herself to be an amazing mom so far. Every parent slips up at times, Todd has too, and if she’s worried just by Amanda’s scream? That’s a step in the right direction with parenthood.
Everything will take time though.
(Hope my comment makes sense… I’m pretty tired at the moment.)
I really liked your reply coco. Its a lot of how i have been feeling reading the comic and my feelings towards Andi. Your right about the sepression too. Thank you so much for the links cause I’ve been wanting to reread that too. Right now i have wondered the parents reaction when Andi first told them she was pregnant.
And yah it was a big F up the kind you m
Isn’t Antoine a football player? That would explain his bulk and strength.
I think he’s on the Packers. But I’m not sure.
College football defensive lineman. He was wearing a store-bought Packers jersey previously, you may be thinking of that.
Aah, so he IS at least an NCAA athlete. I thought I had heard somewhere he was playing for someone somewhere.
ok, now that the drama is over, go and clean up those ashes andi and make the urn disappear, before the kids see it and start asking questions you sure as hell don´t want to answer!
Wow… He’s strong!
Levity was so needed. I love family moments like this. Plus go holy canoli is he strong!!
“Oh thank God. I thought that was a ‘drama scream'”
Not sure if this was the intent with that line, and my strong dislike of Andi may be playing in to my interpretation but to me that certainly takes the wind out of the sails of the brief “Oh Andi is worried about her daughter being hurt, good motherly instinct” reaction I had.
I noticed this before. Andi has a tendency to just blurt out the first thing that comes to her mind, like she doesn’t yet have the filters most adults develop. It’s why she’ll make totally inappropriate comments in face of an angry Mari, or why she went off on Heather’s dad when he confronted her about Amanda’s bullying. It’s just another sign of her not having matured fully yet, I think.
That was pretty much my thought as well. She´s growing up, but not quite there yet.
Plus, this is also the scream-induced shock bleeding off.
As much as I hate to admit it, I kinda like “Drama Scream”. I have heard those and made those far too many times but never had the right words. So yes, hate Andi, but gotta give her credit for that one.
I don’t see why it should change anything. That was just her way of saying, “Oh thank god I thought something was really wrong.”
It changes from “oh no I thought my daughter was in trouble” to “oh no I thought there was an incident happening”. Again, I fully admit i predisposed to judge Andi harshly, but I still think its not exactly the best reaction for Andi to have if we are to believe she’s turned over a new leaf.
I am willing to give Andi some leeway here only because I have similar issues. Yesterday, I was trying to comfort my mother in law who was crying over her daughter (my sister in law) getting married because she felt like she was losing a daughter that she truly wasn’t. I don’t remember exactly what I said or how it came out, but I got the vague impression that I either implied spousal abuse or that her daughter was some kind of a shrew. Whatever was said, it looked to only confuse and upset her further, so I apologized and focused on the gaining a son and grandchildren aspect, and she seemed happier for it.
You can’t always know how panic instincts will “kick in;” I’m not a mom and never can be, but I’ve got a 2-year-old niece in whose care I’m pretty involved. Recently when I was watching her she bumped her head and fell down more than once. My sister (my niece’s mom) and my own mom, as well as the pediatrician during my niece’s regular check-up, all said that my niece is growing like a weed and is having some trouble negotiating her new height and weight, hence she will bump into things and maybe fall down sometimes. (This is apparently very common for children in her age range and my niece is FINE and healthy!) Yet at the time I was crying almost as hard as my niece and apologizing right and left, including to inanimate objects like the wall she bumped into.
Ergo, Andi’s response may be simple relief or a way to “minimize” how scared she really was. When I talked to my mom about my niece bumping her head while I was watching her, she said she had *never* heard me that upset about anything. I didn’t even realize I sounded that upset; I thought I was talking perfectly calmly. Again, don’t discount the strange ways in which people respond to panic, especially when they are panicking about someone about whom they care deeply.
Moving on, I think this is VERY good for both Amanda and Selkie! They are having a fun experience together as family members. I really think one of the major themes of this narrative is that “family” can mean a WHOLE lot of things. And that sometimes people can “earn” their way into your family (like maybe Andi and Amanda) but, ultimately, accepting people into your life and family can possibly have very positive outcomes.
(I apologize, Dave, if I am misstating your intentions about your work; this is just my interpretation as a reader!)
wording may be a bit off putting there but I think it’s also one of the limits of the medium here. Tone of voice can tell people a lot even just in screams. It does take time to get to know the difference between certain kinds, but at least from my experience pain based screams are distinctive in tone enough that no matter what you can tell the person screaming is hurting. Whereas drama scream, fun scream, and scared scream all tend to fall into the ‘learned over time’ category.
I could be wrong but that’s my guess on this is that she knew it wasn’t a pained scream and if it was something to truly fear it’d be more then Amanda reacting with everyone out there. Which cuts it down to either drama or fun. Granted did she consciously think all that through? probably not. However, even though I dislike Andi at this time and feel her actions and reactions are usually poor, they are usually quick. I don’t think I’ve seen her freeze up when confronted with an issue. So clearly she assesses things quickly enough to make that decision.
Just my guess there though.
Now to quickly and discretely head back to the kitchen, sweep up the ashes on the floor, hide the urn in a bag or something before anyone else sees it, and sneak it out to the car so I can figure out what to do with it later.
Because it will totally be that easy.
I think the “drama scream” remark is to cover up and minimize the true panic and concern she felt. Now that it turns out it was nothing, she doesn’t want to look like she was overreacting.
Not really covering up. It’s not aimed at creating an impression with onlookers. It’s just a sigh of relief after a bad moment of genuine fear.
Let’s not forget Amanda’s touchiness. As we’ve seen earlier, Andi had been worried that Amanda might fly into a rage or do something else to alienate her father’s side of the family. Her fear was mostly fear OF an Amanda meltdown which would need immediate Mom intervention. So, that’s why her spontaneous relief was that it wasn’t a ‘drama scream’.
What I am wondering is, how is Mari going to respond to this incident? That was an authentic, “My child sounds like she is hurt or in danger, drop everything and run!” moment. A second ago she’d been in tears, admitting she knew how horrible she was. But, Amanda in danger? Rescue NOW, self-abasement later.
And none of it was false or put on. It was instant reaction. It was a genuine Parent reaction.
That’s got to earn her at least a few points in Mari’s eyes.
Except her relief wasn’t “Oh good she’s safe” its “Oh good, its not more drama”. Color me still skeptical of Andi.
The fact that she sleeps on the couch so Amanda can have her own bed and bedroom should be worth quite a few points too. She’s putting Amanda’s needs before her own, which many people think she’s incapable of. Andi is very much a reactive person, true, but she’s also pretty true to her feelings I think.
This has nothing to do with why they are all angry with her though. Andi’s problem isn’t that she needs to “prove” herself as a mom.
More of a, ‘she may have screwed up royally, but at least she does love Amanda and is trying very hard to be a good mom and make amends’ sort of thing?
The “Trying to make amends” bit they’re okay with.
The “Attempts to reinsert herself into everyone’s life as if nothing happened” bits, not so much, especially when she essentially uses “Amanda needs her family” as an emotional crowbar to get her way.
Between her initial overtures at Todd during the revelation scene at the aquarium and this, she’s on Strike Two already.
This reminded me of that page where Amanda got sick from spinning around and Andi said her grandfather got motion-sick easily. I wonder if that was a one time thing or a recurring thing and we’ll see it in the next page.
Oooh, yes. Good catch. GREAT catch. There could be a bit of a problem coming up in 3… 2… 1…
But then where did they get the ashes?
The fireplace, believe it or not.
You know, Andi’s messed up big time with this, but the fact that she hears her daughter screaming and “immediately” runs for her says that for all her fears of being a bad mother, she’s doing something right.
You know, Andi’s messed up big time in her life, but the fact that she hears her daughter screaming and “immediately” runs for her says that for all her fears of being a bad mother, she’s doing something right.