Aww, I hate you now. I’m gonna have that image of Selkie peeking around the corner in my head all day. I’m not gonna be able to get any work done now! Thanks alot. You better make it up to me by making that a wallpaper. Just a sugestion.
Since everyone is mentioning looks on Todd’s face, and selkie’s peek around the corner, I’ll mention something else. Grandpa’s hair. I gotta love the fringe around his head with this one weird piece sticking up in front. Grandma’s face in panel two is cute too.. reminded me of when Selkie does this.
Love the expressions in panels 3 n 4. From “Oh craps I havnt told them.”. To the “What is our son talking about?”. Now I’m curious as to which grandparent is going to hug her till poor Selkie’s eyes pop out.
Oh. And I’m afraid I must capture panel 6 and use it as an avatar now. She’s just too adorable.
I don’t mind the making of avatars from the comic. To be honest though, normally the posting of my comics on another site under someone else’s gallery of works would make me wary. But, I saw you gave credit and a link back to the site and are not claiming it as your own, so I am ok with this. It is an adorable panel. Enjoy the avatar!
As with everyone else, I loved Selkie peeking around the corner. Being the WWII history buff that I am, I immediately thought of “Kilroy” ( ) – not sure if that was your “inspiration” or not, but it sure struck me that way. LOL. Loved Todd’s “oh crap” expression too.
Awkward – yes. Fortunately, I think Selkie’s very high cuteness quotient should help carry the day …
Hrmm…..I can imagine how confusing it’d be to understand selkie without having a speech bubble to read from :B
Oh man and Selkie peering over the wall so shyly is so darn cute *u*
Wait….where are the bags of food?
I love the bottom-left panel. Awkward looks all around!
I love that grandpa is still going to town on that potato salad.
oh god i love todds face in panel 7.
Extending the potato branch of peace, eh? And yes, Todd’s face in panel 7 is fantastic.
Selkie peerig around the corner is just too darn cute! Also, love Todd’s epic expression in seven. :3
Aww, I hate you now. I’m gonna have that image of Selkie peeking around the corner in my head all day. I’m not gonna be able to get any work done now! Thanks alot. You better make it up to me by making that a wallpaper. Just a sugestion.
Wow, just realized how jerky my post looked. But you should totally make it a wall paper or something. Its so cute,lol.
frame 6 is your best work yet!!
This is awkward and hilarious. Loving the storyline!
6th panel: Cuteness OVERLOAD! You, sir, have managed to weaponize Selkie’s cutenes.
Since everyone is mentioning looks on Todd’s face, and selkie’s peek around the corner, I’ll mention something else. Grandpa’s hair. I gotta love the fringe around his head with this one weird piece sticking up in front. Grandma’s face in panel two is cute too.. reminded me of when Selkie does this.
Looking forward to more updates, can’t wait to see what happens.
OMG panel six is the cutest thing EVER.
So awesome, Dave!! Love the whole thing:)
I love how the Grandma just sums it all up. “…oh.”
I love Grandma in panel 2, having her “I’ve got a granddaughter celebration.” Her expression is the best.
Love the expressions in panels 3 n 4. From “Oh craps I havnt told them.”. To the “What is our son talking about?”. Now I’m curious as to which grandparent is going to hug her till poor Selkie’s eyes pop out.
Oh. And I’m afraid I must capture panel 6 and use it as an avatar now. She’s just too adorable.
Ahahaha! Panel 7 is hilarious! xD
So begins another interesting relationship.
Thumb out of the potato salad, grandpa
Though I doubt I’d do any better in his place, meeting Selkie without The Talk.
There’s no awkward quite like family awkward, I agree.
gonna have to second getting panel 6 as an Avatar
With that said I have now cropped the image for the Avatar… so if you don’t mind there Dave I’m uploading it to my Dev art account.
I don’t mind the making of avatars from the comic. To be honest though, normally the posting of my comics on another site under someone else’s gallery of works would make me wary. But, I saw you gave credit and a link back to the site and are not claiming it as your own, so I am ok with this. It is an adorable panel.
Enjoy the avatar!
As with everyone else, I loved Selkie peeking around the corner. Being the WWII history buff that I am, I immediately thought of “Kilroy” ( ) – not sure if that was your “inspiration” or not, but it sure struck me that way. LOL. Loved Todd’s “oh crap” expression too.
Awkward – yes. Fortunately, I think Selkie’s very high cuteness quotient should help carry the day …
Todd’s expression in panel 3 and 7, just Awesome.