So, if the last panel of today’s strip feels like it’s coming a bit out of nowhere, you’re not incorrect. The last panel was originally very similar to the first one, but then I had a thought. “Wouldn’t an orphanage in a (albiet fictitious) major city have more than just seven or so kids?” So I hit the sketchbook to expand our secondary character roster a bit. Say hello to Kiesha, Moonsong, Wu, and Sandy.
(I have no idea how a six year old boy gets to be named Moonsong, but in his position I’d probably have early onset goth syndrome too. At least he isn’t getting into eye liner yet.)
Also, this is probably just me over thinking things, but I am worried that with the hazel eye color, Ricky looks like he has cataracts. So for the record, Ricky is not vision-impaired.
-giggles- wow
in HS knew a will getts beaver….and my brothers initials are pms….thus a child named moonsong isnt so strange to me
It’s quite alright to have a child named Moonsong. He may get teased, but at least he’ll be the only “Moonsong” in his graduating class. Unlike me, who was like, the tenth of my name. Doesn’t help that I’m the only U in like… my whole School. God, Alphebetical order SUCKS.
o_o Can I have Moonsong and Sandy?! I mean, sure, I like Selkie. But these kids would be great in my family. >D
omg i love this so far :3
Moonsong’s too young to be emo :p
Sry for double post, but I just noticed this looking at panel one. Is Tony’s appearance based on Charlie Brown?
Not intentionally, no. But I figured, since I am doing color now and I have a little bald boy as a character, why not go for the Charlie Brown shirt.
Moonsong isn’t too unbelievable. A kid I went to middle school with was named Thunder Storm.
First name: Thunder Last name: Storm.
I swear that kid’s parents were pure evil.
I’ve heard adults with odd names. My favorite was a principal I had in middle school whose name was Dr. Battle. I knew I was doomed the minute he wanted to talk to me, but then I transferred schools. I always feel like I missed out on some awesome adventure where I saved the world with art or super powers or something. Too bad really. But I also used to have a vice principal named Mr. Savage. Gosh, I love odd names! So, Moonsong, I welcome you!!! *glomps him as he glares stonily at the wall* Moonsong: Can someone get this freak off me? ^^
When I was in the Navy, I worked with a guy who’s last name was (I kid you not) Space. We were on the same submarine and we were both Missile Technicians – abbreviated “MT” … so, yes, he was “M T Space”. (This still cracks me up! LOL)
Hmmm … wonder if he reads “Selkie”?
EOGS! Early Onset Goth Syndrome – are you at risk?
But anyway, Moonsong is no weirder of a name than, say, Chip, or Dr. Pain, or Selkie.
And yes, I do know of a dentist named Dr. Pain. Also, Dr. Peacock, and at the same firm, Dr.s Ron Don and Jon who all have the same last name.
Mrs. Haversham-Zhang’s bun looks angry.
As opposed to Sandy’s shirt, which is like, “Awwww yeah, let’s DO this!”
Am I the first to notice Sandy has boat light eyes? (the right is green left is blue).
I’m sure a lot of parents would like a little girl that can dance like a bee.
Not nitpicking, just curious. Why is Todd’s tie tucked into his shirt? I’ve worn a uniform where we tucked it in one button under the collar, but never seen it tucked in that low.
Love the comic, btw, keep up the awesomeness!
It does look like it’s tucked in. Huh. It’s not supposed to be, it just tapers to a point.
In a state with town names like Oconomowoc, Moonsong’s not too bad. I’d put a nickle on his parents either on something or being big on the fantasy version of American Indians. Or both, which is likely. And then when they sobered up, they had that conversation…”What have we done! He’s going to hate us when he’s 5! Quick, tell the family he…ran away… and send him to that one orphanage so he’ll never know what we did to him!”
… Yeah. Wisconsin drinks more beer per capita than the republic of Germany. And probably does more drugs than anyone thinks.
Would like Moonsong better if he weren’t a Twilight fan. Atleast he appears to be. xD
Heh. There’s Wu and Sandy, and right next to it an ad for Sandra and Woo.
What Team is Moonsong on?
Team Vampire. XD
……..the Zombie Hunters, lead me to an article, which lead me to Eerie Cuties, Eerie Cuties lead me here, I am now a fan of 9 web comics [God dammit]. Hope you’re shading improves. [Saw latest panel, went the begining.] Hope you get lotsa add revenue.

I always find it fascinating how the internet Bread Crumb Trail can lead to different places.
And don’t worry, i am always keeping en eye out for tutorials and tricks to help improve stuff.
Thanks for stopping in, hope ya stick around!
I cannot believe that I JUST got Sandy and Wu now.
*bangs head against the wall*
At least you got it on your own. I didn’t catch that ’till I came across the TV Tropes page for this comic.
Oh come on Lillian! Butt isn’t a bad word!
Some people would like to make certain body parts and words bad to say. We have it already but they want to widen it. Just recall the women in the novel “Misery.” That kind of person seen in the movie. Words mean more than actions to them.
I would totally adopt George. he keeps getting cooler
aw who am i kidding i would adopt Selkie.
[Gets up and dances like a bee] Yup, totally can do this.