I’m back. Thank you all for the support and understanding.
↓ Transcript
MARI: Okay, Todd, stop fooling with me What's going on?
TODD: It's tricky, Mom.
TODD: We were just talking about Selkie’s heritage with her “government friends”.
MARI: Oh well THAT makes me feel better. So what’s so “terrible” about it?
TODD: It's... just a lot of info Mom, and I'm kind of parsing out how to deliver it. I can tell you that Selkie and Amanda have had an incredible opportunity come their way, and I'd love to share at least that much with you.
MARI: Todd Marion Beauregard Smith, I will accept that dodge-y answer for now, but I had BETTER get a real one eventually.
TODD: Beauregard?!
MARI: The embarrassing middle names will accrue until the sketchiness abates.
TODD: It's tricky, Mom.
TODD: We were just talking about Selkie’s heritage with her “government friends”.
MARI: Oh well THAT makes me feel better. So what’s so “terrible” about it?
TODD: It's... just a lot of info Mom, and I'm kind of parsing out how to deliver it. I can tell you that Selkie and Amanda have had an incredible opportunity come their way, and I'd love to share at least that much with you.
MARI: Todd Marion Beauregard Smith, I will accept that dodge-y answer for now, but I had BETTER get a real one eventually.
TODD: Beauregard?!
MARI: The embarrassing middle names will accrue until the sketchiness abates.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Todd, please show your relative Selkie and Amanda’s flaming green eyes. In such circumstances, an image is worth a trillion words, especially if they are more direct than what you are saying right now.
Also…seriously? Todd’s parents gave him the name of a Confederate General?
No matter what your stance on US history, it’s impossible not to be impressed by how General V. Beauregarde suddenly transformed into a giant blueberry and rolled over the union troops, scattering them everywhere and drenching them in juice.
I doubt that was the logic behind it. Maybe Dave watches Critical role. Or maybe he’s a fan of Charlie and the Chocolate factory, Paradime, or Canadian poets, or the French Revolutionary wars.
Most of the time, we don’t cede ownership of names to a specific historical figure.
I doubt anyone hears the name, “Joseph” and immediately thinks of the monstrous doctor from Auschwitz.
Hell, I didn’t even KNOW about your Confederate general until you mentioned him(it is possible I’ve heard of him and just forgot, admittedly)
I assumed it was a Critical Role reference.
Beauregard was made up on the spot, as you can see in the last panel
She’s gonna add more until he comes clean.
…what? No. Marie is adding embarrassing nicknames until he comes clean with a better answer. It’s literally the last thing she says in the last panel of this comic. It’s not a real middle name of his.
I mean, she’s the one that gave him his names. She can give him more.
If Beauregard was made up on the spot, then Marion must be the original middle name. And Beauregard is supposed to be the embarrassing one?
(With apologies to the quite manly Marion Morrison, AKA John Wayne.)
I absolutely love that.
Adding that ploy to my own parenting arsenal.
Additional Embarrassing Middle Names Accumulate!
Hope you feel better soon!
Does grandma Mari have any granny hobbies? Like sewing or baking or kickboxing or knitting? What about grandpa?
Grampa does carpentry. That’s a grampa hobby.
There are probably grandparents out there that are a reverse of the stereotype with the grandpa cooking and the grandma doing the woodwork. I do know that in some families cooking is a whole family event, with everyone involved in the kitchen. Of course I grew up in an area where blacksmithing was a fairly popular hobby, so you never know what you might find.
On another note, sewing seems to be an expensive hobby nowadays. Getting supplies to make canvas grocery bags so that you don’t have to pay for the plastic ones, and you just about break the bank. At least with carpentry, you can go out and find fallen wood to use if you aren’t picky (and follow regulations on that, since some types can be protected).
On the hobby note, it’s a good idea to have at least one hobby that can be a “lifetime” hobby, meaning you can do it at any point in your life including when you are old and starting to have health issues or complications.
Fun fact: “beau regard” means “pretty eyes” in French. (Well, literally, it’s “beautiful gaze”.)
It just occurred to me, did Todd and his foster family ever have that story in their lives where they tracked down Todd’s birth Mother and convince her to leave her abusive husband? Or atleast visit her later and keep in touch like you hear foster kids doing with their birth parents?