Kept the toilet area clean for all of you. You’re welcome. ;P
↓ Transcript
SELKIE: Uhhh.. you okay?
AMANDA: I've had worse. Lillian's jiaozi...
SELKIE: I'm sorry I yelled ats you.
AMANDA: Ugh... you are? Why? I mean, you were right.
AMANDA: I'm awful, remember? I knew you'd stop liking me eventually.
SELKIE: Only a... little awful.
SELKIE: Uhhh.. you okay?
AMANDA: I've had worse. Lillian's jiaozi...
SELKIE: I'm sorry I yelled ats you.
AMANDA: Ugh... you are? Why? I mean, you were right.
AMANDA: I'm awful, remember? I knew you'd stop liking me eventually.
SELKIE: Only a... little awful.
A smidgeon of awful. The tiniest awful.
Ohh poor Amanda. You can see such low self esteem in that statement.
And I love Selkie’s response. It is the perfect sibling comeback for such a set up.
Ooof. Amanda’s gotten to a point where she *cares* if Selkie likes her or not? I agree with Kyrielslight, that’s some massive self esteem issues, right there.
Selkie might still be mad, and I can’t blame her for that, but at least she’s smart enough to see that Amanda getting Echo powers has seriously hurt her. “Dr. Terrorhammer” is more compassionate than she knows.
Dr. Terrorhammer gonna end up like Megamind
Now there is a good role model for their situation.
She’s also been drunk before too don’t forget. This might not be her first time hugging the porcelain prince.
Now I’m wondering if jiaozi doesn’t agree with Amanda in general or if Lilian is that bad of a cook.
It might have been the filling, because they’re just generic asian dumplings. I think she’s had those in comic and no problems.
That’s why the question– Jiaozi are usually a safe bet when traveling in China because they’re cooked at a high temperature and fairly bland. I’m wondering what the heck Lilian did to them.
Depends on the filling.
Though jiaozi (at least those which are made well) are far from what I’d describe as ‘bland’, personally. :p
There was NOTHING wrong with the jiaozi. It’s just that Amanda didn’t like the flavour and has consistently claimed they make her barf. Most of the other kids at the orphanage say the same thing about liver
Poor Amanda. I’m glad Selkie isn’t holding it too much against her though. There’s a lot of progress being made here on both sides. They’re both just really misunderstood kids who have had it rough. Truly though, good on them both here. Amanda for realizing what she did was wrong and not an easy thing to forgive and Selkie for apologizing when lashing out at someone for something they couldn’t possibly control.
Pretty sure this is not Amanda realizing what she did was wrong, it’s just Amanda assuming all family is going to eventually turn on her because of… her previous experiences with such.
I think there’s some of that going on, but Todd and Andi have been working with her a lot on realizing when things she’s done are wrong, and I think that’s a factor here as well.
I dunno if I’d say Amanda (or Selkie/Pohl) did anything *wrong*. Something painful and scary *happened* to Amanda; it’s not like she was trying to tune in on Selkie’s Echo powers. Or that Selkie was trying to inflict them on her, either.
They’re not talking about what Amanda did HERE. Dizzy Dial is saying that Amanda’s past behaviors– her bullying of Selkie– was wrong.
Okay, yeah, good point.
Selkie: Taken from her people, and grew up being ostrisized for being different and unwelcome.
Amanda: Abandoned by her mother, dealt with issues with being unwanted, had to come to terms with the mother who abandoned her coming back, and knowing that her father (who didnt know at the time) litterally when had a chance, chose someone else then her.
Both girls have their demons and deserve sympathy. I know its easy to focus on Selkie because its the name of the comic, but Dave does a very good job on making all the characters sympathetic.
If I recall correctly, Selkie was not taken from her people but abandoned by her mother among humans. She knows about abandonment, too.
These two are two sides of the same coin. A coin that was left in a dirty gutter, in the rain.
At least they got a pretty good dad and a pair of aces grandparents in the bargain.
Oof, Amanda )= They are both traumatized to hell and back…
I’m seriously concerned that Mandy’s eyes have still not returned to normal. Even though Pohl and Selkie have turned off the juice. Unless it’s just the capacitor effect, and is fading only slowly.
I wouldn’t be concerned, it took Selkie’s eyes a while to go back to normal as well (she did have to wear sunglasses for a bit)
Come ooooon Dave, I wanna see some Ren & Stimpy quality vomit.
AMANDA: I’m awful, remember? I knew you’d stop liking me eventually.
I actually had someone say a line much like this to me once.
My response was something like ‘Yeah, eventually. But not today. Want some ice crème?’
For any of you who think I was being too harsh with that, you’d have to understand our relationship: A little snark always worked better than hugs & kisses. Eventually we did part ways but “eventually” was 20+ years later, and she still named me godfather to her son.
Can we just all take a moment and thank Dave for his amazing writing. I have been reading this strip for years and I am just jealous of how smooth the story moves forward. He really knows how to write people. Here we are talking about fictional children. Of past betrayals shaping the world view and self esteem of one and the anger and then concern of another for someone who took “their thing” only to find out it is hurting her. He has had consistently good solid character development, engaging story arcs, and some real good surprises. It is hard to find real good character driven stories.
Thank you Dave.