Tehk no
↓ Transcript
AMANDA: If youMUST know, I’m writing a story.
TEHK: OH, those. Yeah, you said that in Show and Tell I think.
TEHK: Is that what you’re sharing today?
SELKIE: Nope! We're co-sharing.
AMANDA: BIG thing. Huge
SELKIE: The biggest news.
TEHK: Is the news that you decided to stop being dramatic psychos?
AMANDA: NOPE! We’re just gonna go EVEN PSYCHO-ER!
TEHK: Father feed me to the Frenzy, for I have created monsters.
TEHK: OH, those. Yeah, you said that in Show and Tell I think.
TEHK: Is that what you’re sharing today?
SELKIE: Nope! We're co-sharing.
AMANDA: BIG thing. Huge
SELKIE: The biggest news.
TEHK: Is the news that you decided to stop being dramatic psychos?
AMANDA: NOPE! We’re just gonna go EVEN PSYCHO-ER!
TEHK: Father feed me to the Frenzy, for I have created monsters.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
I want that to be a line from a Sarnothi myth or work of literature.
I b’lieve it is.
I don’t like where this is going ladies…
“Father feed me to the Frenzy, for I have created monsters.” now I have words for a feeling I occasionally have. That gives me comfort.
Welp. On one hand they’re working together. XD On the other hand they’re working together.
I wanna be a Mega Plus Ultra Drama Llama sometimes…
Boy they really have become sisters. Or partners in crime.
Having four sisters myself, I think you can swap out ‘or’ with ‘and.’
My Hero fans, I see.
Pfft, who would ever decide that?
That’s what Escanor wants to know.
Monster creating isn’t hard work, but it does require skill if you want to do it right.
Yes, you have to make sure you balance the CR with the stats you’re giving it, or the stat block looks all kinds of wonky and you accidentally throw something that you say is a CR 3, but actually should be a CR 12 at your players.
Just ask the mad scientist making Milton (early 1960s media mention, Google Milton the Monster) (and yes, I’m freaking old)
Not one unnecessary plural in the whole strip. Progress!