Late morning update.
Thank you all for the kind words. Was riding ibuprofen most of last week, caught up with me on Thursday. Really needed that rest day. Feeling much better, ready to get back into the drawing board.
↓ Transcript
Todd: So, what do you want to do? Go back to the dancing?
Selkie: Cans we grab a snack?!
Todd: Ha ha, sure.
Voiceover: <BOTH at ONCE?! Seriously?!>
Todd: I can't tell what they're saying, but I'm guessing you took your shot, hmm?
Benny: I want to eat fermented eel fat until I forget this entire YEAR happened.
Todd: Do you need to be 21 for that?
Selkie: Cans we grab a snack?!
Todd: Ha ha, sure.
Voiceover: <BOTH at ONCE?! Seriously?!>
Todd: I can't tell what they're saying, but I'm guessing you took your shot, hmm?
Benny: I want to eat fermented eel fat until I forget this entire YEAR happened.
Todd: Do you need to be 21 for that?
Like icarus, Benny flew too close to the sun.
Glad you’re feeling better!
And you can’t blame the poor boy for trying, hahaha!
Halfway called it, I guess? (let’s see if this’ll the end of it, or if there’ll be some reward to Benny’s hormonal audacity)
Oh, man. Poor Benny. The Awkward Teenage phase is rough no matter the species, apparently.
Well, you gotta bet big to win big.
Even if your hit ratio is low, keeping up the attempt rate insures at least *some* level of success (for some values of “success”).
first, adorable comic. Poor kid swam to close to the slip stream (Trying a Sarnothi proverb).
But Todd actually asks an interestin question, what is the legal Sarnothi…fermented fat age? It’s quite different in a lot of cultures and I’m curious to learn what it is for them
Do we know how Sarnothi handle milk? Could they get drunk off kefir or kumis?
While I feel bad for Benny the off scene person has a point: He asked BOTH at ONCE?!?! Dude! Seriously, what were you thinking?
Simple: He’s a typical guy. What’s better than one really hot girl?
Her and her twin.
Hey, if it worked for Groucho Marx…
Captain Spaulding: Well, what do you say, girls? Will you marry me?
Mrs. Rittenhouse: But Captain, which one of us?
Captain Spaulding: Both of you! Let’s all get married!
Mrs. Whitehead: But that’s bigamy!
Captain Spaulding: Yes, and it’s big o’ me too. It’s big of all of us. Let’s be big for a change!
*mentally weighs the statement ‘curiosity killed the cat’ over the novelty of eating fermented eel fat*
Pfft. I’m not sure if satisfaction would bring the cat back this time or not. (Then again, I don’t care for seafood anyway so). Is that even safe for humans to smell, let alone eat?
On a side note, I’ve been kind of passively digging this little bit of the current arc. Selkie getting to experience some Sarnothi customs is downright heartwarming.
Most parts of the body self-repair at a faster or slower rate. Even parts they say won’t repair do, but Oh, so slowly. As we age, even more slowly. Glad you are on the mend. (Side note; adrenochrome is awful stuff, and it’s effects/side-effects are awful.)
I’d say he flew too close to a binary star rather than the sun.
I was just thinking of Mun & Solt, because twins! But Mun and Solt, and Li and La, that was all a long time ago. Hopefully this comic will go on and work well for Dave (and Todd and Selkie) for a long time.
I have some questions…
Fats don’t really “ferment,” is that Benny’s way of saying rancid?
Also, Sarnothi can’t have alcohol, right? Per Dr. Pohl’s story?
I’m probably using a poor phrasing. It’s fat that’s been allowed to go a little bit bad, so it gains a new aroma and gets a mildly intoxicating element added to it.
Pohl was referring to human alcoholic drinks, which are grains based and don’t work well with sarnothi biology. Meats that have started to go a little bad process differently for them.
It’s kind of like surstromming, but intoxicating.