This is the final strip of Chapter 2. The next few strips will be some short side story ideas I am eager to get to but don’t fit into a larger arc, then the much-looked-forward-too Back to School chapter.
Fun piece of additional commentary for this one: I originally was gonna have just Todd in all six panels, and intended to reveal what Andi looks like during the confrontation in Chapter 3. But I felt like the bomb Todd is dropping deserved a reaction face.
Tomorrow, May 24, is the 1 year anniversary of the comic. One year ago tomorrow I placed Selkie on the web for the world to enjoy. Been a great year, looking forward to many more!
And as a final piece of celebration, I received three adorable fan arts over the weekend!
First is from Geneva, who draws and co-writes The Prophet’s Garden:
Next is a cute back-to-school drawing by Anemone:
And finally, a daddy-daughter drawing by Pyro Pluto:
“Andi? Andi? Well she’s passed out. What am I going to make for breakfast.”
Fiiiiiiisssshhhh… you want to make fiiiiiissshhh breakfast!
Ok, now I KNOW I’m going to enjoy any strip with Andi. Seriously, she looks like a fun character to watch.
*Tries to make the face Andi’s making*
Somehow I’m not overly surprised he broke up with her. It would appear that he’s matured beyond her.
HA! I’m more curious as ever to know if she still wants him. xD
why not he’s a “dad”
I’d imagine there’d be reasons why being a dad would be a turn off for some people. We just don’t know much about Andi right now, which is why I’m eager to find out what she thinks of him!
Let´s wait to see her face when she meets Selkie… ^_^
The way he simply says “the adoption” suggests that they´ve been talking about it before… could this perhaps be the reason – or one of the reasons – they broke up?
Very nice fan art today. Kudos to the artists!
What is that that Andi’s eating? Gummy worms? Can’t really tell…
She’s eating chow mein.
It’s been a year…That’s wow…Seems like I was reading the first 4 strips yesterday before I became a loyal reader hehehe….Please don’t ever let it stop….
I wonder if that’s post spit take
Love this! Congrats on one year! But… what is Andi doing in the last panel??
regretting eating noodles while trying to get back with a ex -ehehehehehehe-
She was eating chow mein straight from the take-home box when Todd called.
sorry for all the post -guess i just love the reaction of our ex gal too much-
goodness one year already? jeeez! now we need more!
Now THAT is a character introduction!
I hope one of the mini arcs shows selkie waking up next morning. maybe a short bad dream sequence followed by Tod shaking her awake?
I like this comic because you can see the exact moment Andi gets a brain Aneurysm… or that’s what it looks like, anyways.
no wonder he dated her, she looks like his little “punk rock girl”
Are those Yin-Yang symbols on her skirt? Is that actually even a skirt to begin with, or is she just sitting cross-legged?
They’re skulls, and I’m reading it as pyjama bottoms.
Skulls? To me they look like sheep.
They’re sheep, see the little heads and the tiny legs?
O M R sheep!
Sorry, dry humor from a class I took in high school.
Wow, so THAT’S what she looks like. I love how shocked she is after Todd dropped the adoption bomb.
I must say, those are some gorgeous pieces of fanart.
Very nice pics!
And Sir Chaos have right! See that face, after she met Selkie! xD
Just now seeing… What the hell eating Andi? Little colorful… O.o
Heh, great way to end the chapter! Your skills as a writer are definitely growing.
Looking forward to learning more about Todd and Andi’s relationship (even though it seems quite over), as it’s a significant event for both characters (and indirectly, for Selkie as well).
Another thought: Todd is definitely not the type to lie, so I would assume the relevant orphanage staff know at least some aspects of his and Andi’s relationship. They may have even contacted her to ask some questions. Though his actually going “ahead with it” was clearly a surprise…
Lovely fan art, especially Pyro Pluto’s daughter-father portrait: Todd beaming, Selkie happy but also calculating…
I have a feeling that Andi wasn’t ready for parenthood and that it was something she and Todd fought over. I just hope she’s not going to take the cliche line of being a total b**** over Selkie… especially when she first sees her. Selkie doesn’t need any more drama in her life right now.
Oh this is fantastic. Also, love the look of the new character, thanks for putting it in. The reaction face is indeed a nice touch~
Oh my gosh. I have no idea where this will lead, but this is becoming a rather touchy subject. The last panel really sells it though. However, this doesn’t take away the main question:
Who is Andi?
Andi is Todd’s ex. There are hints that it was an acrimonious break-up.
Aww this is sooo cute!
Just based on this one panel of her and my habit of making unfair judgments, I get the feeling Andi and Todd broke up because she wasn’t mature enough for him, and couldn’t handle the responsibility when he brought up the idea of adoption.
I’ve heard of worse reasons for a breakup.
I agree, and it seems most people do too.
I know people IRL that are in their mid-/late 30s and are not mature enough to raise children (but have them anyway). Even if this is the reason for the breakup, at least one of them (or both) recognised that she was not ready emotionaly, or any other -ly you wish to use.
Then why the obsessive calling? If she was the one to break up and leave the relationship, why keep harassing him via phone? I can imagine in my head her and Todd starting to casually talk about getting kids and her saying out loud “Oh I’ll never want kids! They cramp my style!” with Todd sitting there looking shocked. Then next day he kicks her out of his life.
Oh look, it’s the 24th! Congratulations on one year of comic-ing! I’ve been following Selkie since page ten or so and have been loving every bit. I’d be very happy to see more comics for us and more success for you.
Congrats on the Anniversary of Selkie! About 2 months ago I found Selkie online and my life hasn’t been the same!! Todd is awesome and Selkie is just so endearing!! It’s hard NOT to love this comic!
Keep up the amazing job!! I’m eagerly awaiting the next chapter!!! <3
You should make a story arc in which Selkie becomes friends with a goth kid. Of course after she gets to school first.
Why a goth kid?
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I might draw art to celebrate.
Ehhh… I don’t like Andi every much. She seems… too middle school thought processed, what with the purple hair and the obvious trying to stand out. I just really hope that they don’t get back together. She’s just too immature looking and having two children in the house seems like a bad idea.
…everytime I read Selkie, it reminds me of this Indy-Game “Aquaria”.
OMG One year. I just started reading today. I love Selkie I want to adopt her. Andi looks interesting I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Dave should make little “adoptable Selkie” buttons for people to put on their websites, with links back to this comic.
I think seeing Andi like this is perfect. It answers so much about why they broke up… (Andi may be a great person, but she doesn’t look like she wants to have her style crimped by kids yet (if ever).) Looks like she hadn’t expected him to go through with the adoption as a single dad! Ha!
The last panel looks exactly like one of the characters I have drawn for a web-comic (based on a friend.)
I pictured Andi differently somehow, but yay, we finally see who she is!
Oh, and happy birthday to “Selkie”…yesterday, lol. Here’s to another year!
Congrats on the one year anniversary, looking forward to many more to come. Remember to pace yourself. I tried to do a web comic for a while but got behind on the buffer then ran into personal issues with a loved one and my comic just… sort of died. Wish I could have kept it going, but sometimes life gets in the way. Take care.
Real Life takes down so many webcomics. If I must be honest, it’s a fear I have had ever since I ran out my buffer. Hope your life issues have been resolved.
Theroy! The breakup was over the idea of starting a family! Oh Dave, I just love how incredibly invested into this comic you’ve managed to make me. XD
Great facial expressions in this one.
doesn’t hubris mean… Deadly Pride?
she’s lucky she didn’t drop her phone in the noodles. That’s what would have happened to me.
What the hell.
THIS is Andi?
And the Close the chapter joke was actually literal?