Gotta check your clearance papers a bit better, Selkie.
"This Little Light of Mine", for those unfamiliar with it, is a children's church song. Here is a sample of it (albeit one that's a lot more fun to listen too than the ones I got to sing along with as a kid):
A secret’s no use unless people know you have one.
The beam is making a sound, did I read that right?
And yup, this is a really bad time for Selkie’s eyes to be glowing, anyone else who’ll see that is likely to draw a connection too.
That’s what it seems like.
Todd needs to work on his denials…
At least he tried, Selkie spilled the beans just to gloat.
This may be one of my favorite strips, lol!
i agree with selkie, sticking it to amanda is *so* worth it to get grounded for!
also, todds reaction in first panel? smooth, dude, reeally smooth
Great, neither of them can keep secrets. Todd can’t because dishonesty is apparently against his nature; Selkie can’t because she likes to brag.
I find Todd’s reaction hilarious. Poor guy, he’s been through a lot today. He’s probably still shell-shocked from nearly being eaten / nearly drowning / finding out his daughter has super powers / realizing she can’t yet control her powers.
Never trust a kid to keep secrets
Unless you know the kid can keep secrets. Some of us are repositories of vast numbers of secrets. It is in the basic nature of retail.
kids will be kids, specially when in a “who’s cooler” contest
It’s not like glowing eyes could be kept secret from Selkie’s sister for long.
Great, now the MIBs will barge in and use the neuralyzer on everybody.
Amanda was going to find out sooner or later anyway, so it might as well happen in the most hilarious way possible!
On the one hand, Amanda and Selkie are sisters. Amanda’s gonna find out stuff whether the Vast Government Conspiracy likes it or not, and we know she’s already realized some of it.
On the other hand, TIMING Selkie…
Oh, I’ll be giggling over this exchange for days! Perfectly done, Dave.
While Todd certainly needs to get better about getting his story straight, he’s pretty much spilling the beans with Amanda here. After all, she knows quite a bit about what’s beneath the waters. Having been told all about it by a bratty Sarnothi teenager and his mom.
I’d like to see that bratty teen’s reaction to this! Might humble him some.
Am I the only one to see the parallel between “an illuminating proposal” and “Face eating?, Jack?” (Cocoon)
I am sad that my daughter will never get to meet Selkie because I swear that is something that she would do.
to be fair to Selkie
The Sarnothi have just declared their existence to the world.
Classified isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on at this point.
and it would be smart for her sister to know what’s going on
in order to corroborate that she needs to wear the glasses at school
[Random Government Agent] … No, that was NOT an Alien Death Ray… it was just some very sophisticated Illegal Fireworks being tested… you remember those bottle rockets that whistled as they went up right?, well this is just a larger version of that, and once we FIND the culprits, we will Definitely find out just how they made it sound like “singing”… [/RGA]
Which will hold plausibility exactly as long as it takes the Sarnothi to start making demands.
She’s a kid who just found out she has powers. Did ya really think she’s going to keep it to herself? XD Especially from the bully who hurt her for so dang long?
To be fair, it was established back when in the “Truck” arc(Selkie recovering from being out in the cold and needing her “medicine”) that, while far from knowing anything, Amanda and presumably the other orphanage kids know that Selkie isn’t human.
Not cool Selkie, not cool (however that was really cool)
I must be nuts but these interactions between the girls still make me think that within 10 years they are going to be at each others side as sisters and not at odds.
same tbh. and honestly i think itll be within the year. they just need more interactions in this new-for-them context of family that messes up their established dynamic and leaves room for a new one – one where they discover that they are actually perfectly compatible as partners-in-crime (the process has already started)
Wasn’t pohl supposed to teach her how to turn that off? I assumed he’d do so BEFORE saying goodbye so that she can actually attend school. Maybe schools there are different but none where I am allow sunglasses unless you’re blind. How long till this goes off?
Alien is close Amanda, but not quite.
Wait, Amanda can hear the song? Does that mean Amanda could be a human Echo?