This is a very serendipitous comic; my own real life brother and sister came in to town from out of state this weekend. Great to visit with them again, been too long. Ate WAAAAAAY too many fajitas Saturday night. XD
Marta and Antoine have been through a lot of character and background changes since their first draft. Originally Todd was the YOUNGEST of three siblings, Marta was married with two biological children, and Antoine was transgender. Over time as I worked out more of Todd's background it made more sense to me for him to be the first kid adopted, so Marta and Antoine got an age downgrade. I still think Marta will have two children down the line, but somewhere along the way Antoine became gay instead of transgender. I don't really have a point-to-point on how I came to change that part of his character; he just... started dialoging in my head as a gay man and I ran with it.
Because you’re all awesome, here is a bonus piece of information: Selkie’s people come from a sovereign city-state. Location and name as yet unknown. However… the symbol within Selkie’s Mom’s speech bubble is the symbol OF that city-state. 🙂
I feel like Selkie's other language is something Marta and Antoine would have been told about behind the scenes when Theo and Marigold were preparing them for the meeting. Todd knows of it's existence simply from living with Selkie the past few weeks.
Unrelated to Selkie, but I know from previous commentaries that there are other Last Airbender fans out there. I’ve been following it’s sequel series, Legend of Korra, for the past few months, and… oh man. After the last episode I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The last panel gave me an interesting chance to draw Selkie's face in a little more detail than usual. The eyebrows return. XD
I haven’t been camping in a long time, mostly because sleeping bags on rocks is horrible.
I wanna thank everyone at this time for the questions and speculations about Selkie's saliva over this past arc. It gave me the idea for this scene, and I think it's addition makes the issue more solid. Thanks for being awesome!
Tempted to have Marta turn up in a third outfit after the dress change. XD Oh, and one more shout out to fellow League of Legends players, I created a Selkie chatroom (named “Selkie”, no quotes) that is slowly growing,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I actually didn't write this scene in until I read all the questions wonderings musings and speculations on if Selkie's saliva would be put to the test. For great science!
I’ve been working on a new Donation Incentive image. It’s been a long while since I last made one, lost track of them with school and etc. But I think this one was worth the wait. For those interested, the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I had a really hard time with the writing on this one. In the original draft Selkie, both to prove a point and due to feeling hurt and angry, licked Todd's hand instead of the quick peck I went with in the final version. In my head, Selkie licking Todd's hand looked humorous and exaggerated, like a cartoony dog lick. But once I sat to actually drawing it, it looked... kind of weird and creepy. Plus, even though Selkie is an eight year old kid with some anger and coping issues, I think she's been raised well-mannered enough not to lick people. Once I started putting the licking out of my head and on to paper, it didn't look funny or cartoony at all; it looked creepy disgusting and disrespectful to a degree that it just did not work at all. So, after a bunch of redraws, we got the panel three we have now, and Todd gets spared the effects of a more potent exposure to Selkie's saliva.
So, I was playing League of Legends with some people yesterday, when the idea was proposed that we should try and get a game of Selkie readers together. Maybe a custom 5v5 game? I’ll make a chat room called Selkie[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I had originally wanted Selkie to run away, upset, into the woods behind the house. I decided not to go that route because it felt a bit... over-dramatic and overdone.