For those who may have started following recently, I like to do shorts with the supporting cast between longer stories. I also kind of wish I could’ve squeezed in more of Sandy, Wu, Hamud, and Moonsong in the school storyline[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sandy's missing tooth was a last-minute idea that I really think adds character to her.
The Protect Our Trout act has been referenced in the comic once before, although not by name. More details will come on Thursday, but if you feel like searching the archive I won’t stop you. :3 – – – –[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Todd and Selkie only live about a half-hour away from the grandparents (by highway, assuming no rush hour traffic). So they’re cutting it pretty close to bedtime. XD
Trying some mood lighting, since it's sunset and all.
This is a very serendipitous comic; my own real life brother and sister came in to town from out of state this weekend. Great to visit with them again, been too long. Ate WAAAAAAY too many fajitas Saturday night. XD
Marta and Antoine have been through a lot of character and background changes since their first draft. Originally Todd was the YOUNGEST of three siblings, Marta was married with two biological children, and Antoine was transgender. Over time as I worked out more of Todd's background it made more sense to me for him to be the first kid adopted, so Marta and Antoine got an age downgrade. I still think Marta will have two children down the line, but somewhere along the way Antoine became gay instead of transgender. I don't really have a point-to-point on how I came to change that part of his character; he just... started dialoging in my head as a gay man and I ran with it.
Because you’re all awesome, here is a bonus piece of information: Selkie’s people come from a sovereign city-state. Location and name as yet unknown. However… the symbol within Selkie’s Mom’s speech bubble is the symbol OF that city-state. 🙂
I feel like Selkie's other language is something Marta and Antoine would have been told about behind the scenes when Theo and Marigold were preparing them for the meeting. Todd knows of it's existence simply from living with Selkie the past few weeks.
Unrelated to Selkie, but I know from previous commentaries that there are other Last Airbender fans out there. I’ve been following it’s sequel series, Legend of Korra, for the past few months, and… oh man. After the last episode I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The last panel gave me an interesting chance to draw Selkie's face in a little more detail than usual. The eyebrows return. XD