2053 comics.
by Dave
on December 2, 2016
at 2:22 am
Something something homonym.
I claim this hat in the name of Amandavania.
by Dave
on November 30, 2016
at 2:11 am
Well… maybe a LITTLE fighting. Fanart update! KB drew me a picture of Lillian: Thank you!
Panel 4 originally had scrawled words peppering the colored expanse to expand on Amanda's inner thoughts, but I thought it felt a bit too heavy-handed.
by Dave
on November 28, 2016
at 2:08 am
You’d think Andi would have more experience hiding these kinds of things.
Amanda can pretty solidly operate at the level of "30 minute sit-com detective".
by Dave
on November 25, 2016
at 2:25 am
I hope everyone who celebrates Food Coma day had a good time. I call it Food Coma day because the entire evening after dinner is a blur of naps and playing Legos with my cousin’s kids.
We built pirate spaceships.
by Dave
on November 23, 2016
at 1:51 am
I miss being able to slam phones down angrily.
Here I am making the feel-sads before a holiday. Everyone join me in eating the feels away.
by Dave
on November 21, 2016
at 2:03 am
That’s… ONE plan, I guess?
Think I need to get back into a shading habit.
by Dave
on November 18, 2016
at 1:42 am
Now that I'm actually seeing this page live-and-on-air, I'm really glad this isn't running on Actual Christmas. I'd be bumming everyone's holiday out.
by Dave
on November 16, 2016
at 2:11 am
Remember, kids: spying on private conversations is okay if it advances the plot.
by Dave
on November 14, 2016
at 1:34 am
Amanda has tact and subtlety worthy of a President.
by Dave
on November 11, 2016
at 1:35 am
What? A girl’s gotta nom.
Original dialogue from the last panel was to be "Oink oink, mother trucker", but spacing wouldn't allow it.