Technically, Todd, if she gets to choose who she is, Doctor Terrorhammer is still on the table. Ending this arc a bit melancholy. Next storyline starts next week. Oh and also, I’ve been convinced to implement tags on the comics[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Every time I see a red pickup truck, I think of Smallfoot from the Go-Bots.
I want to take a moment to say “thank you” to everyone for your support and readership. You all just helped me out a lot recently, and you probably had no idea you did so. See, I just got done[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Theo is an amateur conspiracy theorist; he's used to reading between lines. (You can't go pro without the tinfoil hat)
Selkie is accustomed to reading cursive writing at a 3rd-grade level. (You’ve all been very patient with me regarding Brown’s obstructions and obfuscations on the name of Selkie’s people and homeland and I wanna thank you for putting up with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Can I just say how happy I am that I can now stop double-checking everything I type regarding Selkie to ensure I didn't use the word "sarnothi" prematurely? XD
In this Very Special Episode of Selkie, we discuss racism and the stupidity thereof. – – – – – New Fanart today! Jacqueline from ISO Photo sent me this lovely painting: Thanks! 😀
I bet you'll never guess which panel backgrounds in this strip I like best.
I had to ask my mother the difference between chicken soup and chicken broth to make sure I used the right wording. Apparently broth is the second easiest thing in the world to to cook if you count boiling water as the first.
Gonna take a pass on the smudgey backgrounds for now. Might change my mind later, not sure yet. -EDIT- Woke up and changed my mind. Less smudgey more… I dunno, marble-y?
A lot more people remembered the “Nei Li” name-drop than I expected. 🙂 I got some really lovely fanarts from Datawog to share today! Four watercolor paintings. 😀 Thanks so much, Datawog!
I considered doing a close-up of Selkie's open gills, but it's not really necessary to see her gooey irritated membranes when I could use the panel space for story-pertinent stuff.