Just one more reminder that I will be at Snafu-Con in Reno Nevada this weekend, sharing Table #32 with the crew from Shards! It’ll be a fun time! 😀 I’d like to make a quick note here about update schedule[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whether selkie isperceived by readers as light-grey or light-blue tends to depend on their monitor settings.
Just a quick heads up that the comments section is currently buggy when users use angle brackets for things like links or Bolding. Trying to figure it out still. Also want to give everyone one more reminder that this weekend[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I googled "turkish men" for reference while drawing the barista. My results were half dressed young men with smoky eyes, and travelogues about holiday romances. It was not super helpful for drawing a coffee shop employee.
In my headcanon backstory for the background characters, the couple in the blue and green are discussing philosophy (poorly) while the guy with the book tries not to be too obvious about sneaking glances at Blue.
Quick time skip to the end of the day because we’ve seen the school enough for the time being. Also, in preparation for my trip to Nevada for SNAFU-Con, I’ve been making some drawings to bring prints of. One of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" was what I wanted to use, but it seemed a bit too verbose for Selkie's age level.
Who among us hasn’t forgotten things in a mid-morning rush? Oh and if you need a reminder, this is the origin of Selkie’s hairbow
I initially wanted to draw the bow unfolding and shifting like a Transformer, but I can't help but think having that sort of mechanism function to it would make it way too heavy for Selkie to be wearing every day like she does. XD
Todd’s being a buzzkill. -EDIT- Woops. Working to the wire last night, I forgot to add in this fun Fan Art I was sent! A Selkie/Homestuck cross-cosplay by Mort the Ghost: Thanks so much, Mort!
Considered using a photo of an actual Vegas skyline, but photo-insert backgrounds just look tacky to me.
Ever since the playdate arc where George came to visit Selkie and the Ikaris popped in and joined the game, I've felt like my usage of them extends beyond geeky paradoic reference humor. They popped in to play board games, Asuka teaches Selkie german... at this rate, I don't feel like they're "just" humorous nods; they're basically supporting cast in their own right by this stage. So I've essentially decided to make them more stand-alone and more... "mine"; mostly with some palette alterations and some light design modifications (Asuka's bangs are more like how I draw everyone else's bangs, now). I was also going to change their surname to something else, probably Horaki. But I don't think that much retconning is necessary.
Been meaning to make a vector template background for that kitchen for awhile. Finally did it for this strip. May add a few more details to it for later use though.