Andi’s side of things. – – – – Patreon campaigns off to a good start, folks! Thanks to everyone who’s pledged. I’ve got a sketch up on the activity feed and I’m getting set up for a video stream later[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The day I drew this strip was also the final day of Dawngate's servers being available for play. I felt like doing something small to say goodbye to the game, and decided that since my intent for the backgrounds of the flashback was to look jumbled and confused, I'd also incorporate "splashes of color" in honor of one of my favorite Dawngate characters, Zeri. Rest in Peace, Miss ahb Kareiya.
(Beta WIP) Patch notes for 2-3-2015: In an effort to incentive risk-reward and player interaction, we’ve made some balance changes to Flashbacks for this upcoming patch. Cartoony Illustration Speech bubbles have been dominating competitive play a bit too highly, so[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I need to practice drawing biscotti. This is a thing I've learned about myself.
Aaaaaaand with Selkie nodding off to sleep after a difficult week-and-a-half (in-story) of getting bullied then fighting to clean up the mess, we call it “closed” on the Trunchbull arc. The characters stories and information within it won’t go away,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I was going to go with a silly ending, but I felt this whole arc deserved something with a bit more closure.
Questions raised. Folks, thank you for your patience with the Resource Limit Reached troubles the past couple days. My host did a server-swap to move Selkie to a less troubled server, so hopefully the issue will be resolved. It’s definitely[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don't know when I decided Selkie is a sleep-drooler, but... yeah, totes a sleep-drooler.
I considered for a little bit having the bow glimmer as it was replaced on her head. But prior to this the bow hasn't reacted in any way when removed or touched, so that made no sense to me.
Thought about having Selkie speak to the image of her mother in tensei, but it would look weird to have her dialogue translated while the image's isn't. Plus it makes more sense to me that she would be excited and default to the language she's been primarily using for the past three years instead of switching gears on-the-fly.