Posts Tagged Todd
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Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Suddenly realizing I probably shouldn’t use the <> for both tensei and the wetsuits speaker hiss. >_>
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
He's no one's favorite.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
All For Swinging You Around -EDIT- Decided to take the feedback about “spaz” and adjust Tehk’s word choice accordingly. Didn’t intend it to carry slur connotations.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Never turn down a free fish cake. —EDIT 5/29/2020— Selkie will be updating later tonight. Im saying this here instead of doing the top bar notification because I keep forgetting to remove it afterwards. >_>
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Yesterday was Selkie’s in-canon birthday (My timeline is so skewed on this one: her stated-on-panel birth year is 2002 but the comic doesn’t progress in real time and has to loosely slide-scale by necessity, so Selkie is both 8 years[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.