Todd stole my joke. Lineart Version, for those that like seeing these preserved. ↓ Transcript[Flashback] Benny: Heya. Great job dancing out there. Ke Ban: Aaaah! Thank you, Benny! Benny: Sure, sure. So… I wanted to ask you something? Benny: How[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Selkie
Late morning update. Thank you all for the kind words. Was riding ibuprofen most of last week, caught up with me on Thursday. Really needed that rest day. Feeling much better, ready to get back into the drawing board. ↓[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I had a car wreck last night. Other driver’s fault. Bruised a bit but both parties walked away from it, nobody was hurt. Still, as one sometimes does after such things, I feel like I should take a moment to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Tooth necklaces are out of fashion, anyway. ↓ TranscriptTodd: Hey, Selkie? Can you stay with Mister and Misses Brown for a moment? Selkie: Gonna go fights Mister Scar? Todd: GOD no. I'm just going to talk to him a bit.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Selkie flexing that upside-down swim. ↓ TranscriptTodd (VO): Watching the Jin'Sorai move upwards to dance was a sight to see. They had singers providing accompanying music. Couldn't understand a thing, but it sounded nice. Have to say, I'm glad we[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I have to imagine a human doing underwater dancing is like having two left feet and manacles. ↓ TranscriptTodd: Selkie, I’m so glad to hear this! Todd: So, do you see it all the time now, or… Selkie: Don’ts thinks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Updated comic with completed lineart and coloring and sauciness. I know some of you like to have the “early preview” samples preserved, so please enjoy. ↓ TranscriptCarrie: B-Benny, why d-don’ts you go asks one of thems t-to dance? Benny: I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Obviously she means the weird blue background, Todd. ↓ TranscriptKe Ban: Thank you, everyone! We hope you enjoyed our dance! Ke Nan: Everyone, please come join! Lets have fun! Todd: That was very nice. Selkie: Yeahs… buts I haves a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Right in the ego. (Benny’s face markings have been fixed, thank you all.) ↓ TranscriptCarrie: Selkie, I-I thinks you did a very g-goods job. Carrie: Y-You communicateds yourself very well. Carrie: G-Goods work. Carrie: N-Nows, lets go backs to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Bicker-bicker ↓ TranscriptBenny: C’mon, spill it! How’d you get him to agree with you? Selkie: I was just tellings him my ideas. I didn’ts do anything. Benny: Oh come on. Gien doesn’t agree with anybody but Gien. You tricked him![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…