Posts Tagged Selkie
Quick site maintenance note, I’ve removed the google ad’s auto-placement feature and reverted to static ad blocks, so they don’t keep jumbling around the comments. Sorry it took me awhile to get that fixed, I was exploring options to see[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Just work emails kids, nothing major. ↓ TranscriptANDI: Hey, uh, Todd… You mnd if I check my text messages real quick? I need to "speak to an old client". TODD: Oh.. yeah, sure. I should probably check for work stuff,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
She is her own best friend\. ↓ TranscriptSCAR: I am not seeing of injury. Merely stress of force, yes? SCAR: A sort of choke point, from the suppressor. SCAR: Pushing too much through too quickly. Like un-warmed muscle, yes? SCAR:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
… ↓ TranscriptANDI: Todd, you look like a bull that just saw someone enter it's pen. What's up? TODD: I'm just not one hundred percent on that guy. ANDI: I mean, yeah he's a bit intimidating, but he seems to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
↓ TranscriptSELKIE: Okay… push. Feel pushing. SELKIE: I can do this. If Amanda can do it… if MOM can do it… SELKIE: I can DO THIS!
Belated happy post-food-coma-holiday to you all ↓ TranscriptSCAR: This is not bad reading! Is close to mine when I was child, yes? SELKIE: How ams I supposed to do a test? I can only glows. SCAR: When Amanda was making[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Blip -11-26-2021 edit- Taking a holiday break from the comic for today. Next strip will be on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend. ↓ TranscriptSCAR: Now, I want Amanda to be taking a test shot, while Selkie is doing of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…