Just another little post-meeting confrontation. -EDIT- Made some post-update changes to the strip, to fix a little wonky anatomy and make the stealth-agent-i-tentatively-refer-to-as-Waldo a bit easier to see since he was TOO stealthy on this color of backdrop.
Posts Tagged Selkie
1326 results.
Going in Trunch's head-space is weird.
It’s New Year’s Eve! Another year over, and a fresh one up and coming. As we enter 2015, I just wanted to take a moment and say “thank you”. Thank you, everyone, for reading my story and giving me a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I'd like to think I was Nate as a kid, but I wasn't ever that polite.
Thought about working a snarky, 'Boys will be boys' line in there somewhere, but it doesn't feel lie something Nathaniel would say.
Robot beats Pixie, but Pixie crushes Shadow and Karate like crazy. Merry Christmas, if that’s your thing!
I designed Nate Jr. before I designed Nathaniel Sr, and after drawing the kid I thought, "It'd be fun if they both looked so much like the other they were practically clones". And so, Nathaniel Sr. got the awkwardly bad bowl haircut from his son.
When I tried to find people to model the smooch panel for me to draw, they just stared at me funny and ran screaming.
Rachel being John Ashton's daughter originally had more of a "shock reveal" to it regarding Selkie (YOU'RES HIS KIDS?! WHATS THE CRAPS?!?!?!) but I trimmed that reaction scene out of the final draft. Still wanna show the relationship, though.
He was not a great Princi-PAL.
Deleted scene that I excised for brevity. --- John: I'm going to have to quit my job over all this. Selkie: Pffft. Knews you weres a quitters. (John glares in quiet fury while Selkie grins smugly) --- Brevity, and also because I don't think even Selkie has quite that much nerve. Maybe when she's older.
An overheard conversation. – – – – – Quick Fan-Art update! Victoria sent me two drawings of Jessie (the teaching assistant/former shoe clerk) as a kid. When the sent them to me one was named Good Jessie, the other was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I kind of wish I'd done a bit more with the spiky-haired redhead, but I've got a glut of side characters as is.
If she was allowed to play Rachel's totally-not-Pokemon, I kind of think I can see Selkie taking the Fire starter.