Amanda's former GameKid handheld pretty much only had a pet store game and some puzzle games, and the orphanage's video games were all PG games. Car smashing is new delicious territory.
When noodling over this scene I had the idea in my head to have Anthony discuss some sort of color-based communication system they had worked out with Felix. Something like directing him to do different tricks with different colors of light, maybe even communicate Felix's emotive states. Ultimately I axed it because I didn't want to sidetrack things too much, plus I think it felt a bit too far towards fantasy-fiction.
I’m very sorry everyone, but due to real life issues I wasn’t able to get any further than this for today’s update for the time being. I intend to finish it properly later, although to be honest I will be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In a parallel universe, Felix is offering Amanda and Selkie three wishes for his freedom. But they're monkey-paw wishes...
Been thinking about moving to thinner lines, finally figured I'd see how it looks. Been looking at drawings on deviant art and liking the thinner outline look.
I considered for a time having Felix spray ink upon seeing the sarnothi members, but changed my mind about throwing that bit into the story flow. Which is a shame, because Selkie's wearing such a ruinable dress...