And now we get to the reveal of one of the Selkie story’s longest kept secrets: their apartment building is horsehoe-shaped! Dun dun duunnnn!
Posts Tagged Keisha
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The building is laid out with three units per floor. the A and C apartments sit in the wings and are full-size with kitchen bath living area and two bedrooms. The B apartments in the center of the horseshoe are smaller units with only one bedroom and a half-kitchen that rent at a lower price.
A friend of mine has been after me for months now to show Keisha and Heather's reactions to the Selkie/Amanda sister thing. HERE. YOU. GO.
I've never actually read Treasure Island. It's the one where they make dinosaurs from fossilized mosquitos, right? Or is it the one with the spider and the talking pig?
Heather's dialogue on this page was inspired from real life. My brother and his family spent Christmas in Miami with his in-laws, and he said their 5 month old son hated the heat down there and was fussy and crying the whole time.
Other than that though, this is the end of the Art Gallery story! Hoe you all enjoyed this important piece of Amanda’s part of the story. The next story arc begins next week. It’s something I’ve been looking forward to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There's a part I decided to trim out to move things to the end of the arc a little more neatly: Lillian escorting a hyper-caffienated Tony, along with Keisha and Sandy , out the door and back home. Partly I decided not to shuttle Keisha off the "stage" before the full reconciliation of The Trio could happen, but also partly I just decided it was... well, trimmable.
Happy April Fools. :3
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Now all we need is for someone to sneak behind the counter and raid the cookies, and Shenanigans will be complete.
I was talking with my girlfriend about future plans for Selkie’s storyline. She’s mathed it out that in order to complete my intended storyline at my current pacing, this comic will complete in the year 2173. I will be 192[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Buckstars Coffee! Now with new dropping-shaped sprinkles!
Time for a short dressing-down. Traffic court was… ugh. I have to go back in a month because when i requested supervision, they had nothing prepared for that request and need me to work that out personally.
Not sure about continuing with the hand-drawn bubbles, at least for as long as I'm using a standard font anyway.