In this Very Special Episode of Selkie, we discuss racism and the stupidity thereof. – – – – – New Fanart today! Jacqueline from ISO Photo sent me this lovely painting: Thanks! 😀
Posts Tagged Grandma Mari
Gonna take a pass on the smudgey backgrounds for now. Might change my mind later, not sure yet. -EDIT- Woke up and changed my mind. Less smudgey more… I dunno, marble-y?
A lot more people remembered the “Nei Li” name-drop than I expected. 🙂 I got some really lovely fanarts from Datawog to share today! Four watercolor paintings. 😀 Thanks so much, Datawog!
Been messing with brush settings in Photoshop and thought I’d do the backgrounds a little differently. Not sure about it yet as a regular thing, (I’ve done a couple other strips like this before and ran into issues) but you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I think I’ve got everything settled down from Monday’s update hiccup. Just need to figure out a way to put the notice/title back on the transcript so people know about Director Commentary. By the way, click the transcript button below[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is the next-to-last installment for the current chapter. FINALLY! …What? I know some of you have to be thinking it too. 😉 I must also give a bit of a retraction, and I apologize for doing this so close[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s the incredible shrinking Todd! XD – – – – – Fan Art update today! I received three pieces of fan art courtesy of Anna Rodman: Thank you Anna!
I’ve been getting the Thursday comics done at the wire the last couple weeks. Tomorrow (well, today since this will post on Thursday) I finish my final exams. One of my summer goals is to try and get ahead on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…