I clicked what I THOUGHT was an innocent Comicpress update, but apparently it was a full conversion to Comic Easel and now a lot of the site is completely BORKED. So things my be rough for a bit but hopefully[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
For the hospital panel I thought, "It's a single splash panel, I'll work it out quick and fast then worry about the rest of the strip." Quick and Fast turned out to be a majority of the production time. XD
I had a few issues when I was younger of getting befriended by kids who just wanted to manipulate me or case my house out for stuff to steal. It suuuuuuuuucked.
-EDIT- Apparently I forgot to draw Todd’s rash. Not the first time that’s happened either. XD A few weeks ago I had the privilege to visit a classroom in my town after the teacher saw the article about me in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dialogue in a previous strip implied Amanda had already left the office between strips. I didn't really mean for that to be the case. :(
Have a great piece of news to share with everyone today. Some of you may remember me mentioning in last Monday’s commentary thread that I was being interviewed by my local news paper about Selkie. The article went live yesterday![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
After the last few pages of drama, it was fun to break the mood with some bickering. XD
Sorry about the unfinished comic everyone. I wish I could blame someone or something other than myself, but I had a bit of a procrastination theme this week on homework and such. 🙁 I’ll try to have at least flat[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Forgot to add the Director Commentary at first. >_< Amanda is a difficult character to write for. She is troubled and vindictive, but also just a kid. She has modes of thinking that an adult or teenager with a similar personality wouldn't use. There's a lot to juggle with Amanda, and sometimes I wonder if I am doing right by her with the chronic meanness. On a related note, I kind of wish this was a real-life production so I could buy Heather an ice cream cone.
If I were studying to be a teacher, this would be the sort of situation I hoped never to face.
Amanda's reactions actually surprised me a little. I sketched panel four with more of an "exclamation" expression, but it didn't look right no matter how I drew it. Tried a few other expressions, and this is the one that felt right to me.
Baaaaaaaad luck, here. Just a heads up, I have a good chunk of my holiday get-together’s coming up this weekend, including a trip out of town for New Years Eve. There may be a chance of not having a comic[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This was originally gonna be two comics, but I compressed it a bit.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! If you celebrated Christmas, hope you had a great holiday! And as for today’s update, those of you who guessed Heather was the thief almost immediately, pat yourselves on the back.
As always with Tony's french, if "Quoi" is inaccurate for a flat "what?", feel free to inform me.